Tweets for 2013-08-24
- Ugh. 13 mins into @DorianGrayBFP and it's super uncomfortably sinister. 😀 ->
- @DorianGrayBFP @bigfinish @vlavla @gbretski Just finished listening. omg ;_; in reply to DorianGrayBFP ->
- @ceitfianna I think he's starting to lose his accent in reply to ceitfianna ->
- @ashenkey I don't really get it cos Daredevil was an alright film apart from some weird decision that had nothing to do with actors in reply to ashenkey ->
- bad wolf time! 😀 ->
- @thisisyourfault FicFUNday 😀 in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @somniarisoul @DorianGrayBFP And maybe be careful who you listen to it around… in reply to somniarisoul ->
- @katin_crawford wooooyay in reply to katin_crawford ->
- @syn Heh very true. I won't go further than either London or 45 mins drive for a gig, but US friends will drive DAYS in reply to syn ->
- @thisisyourfault @ceitfianna @minkhollow42 You just needed a replacement alliterative day! 😀 #FicFUNday in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- RT @jeffnoon: Wolf Code
1. IF moon full
2. RUN wereware -> - @nikki If they send round someone to help, then those claims might actually be true in reply to nikki ->
- @newloveletter MAKE ROBIN HOODIE/PACIFIC RIM CROSSOVER GIFSETS pls. Or just Lucy Griffiths being flawless in reply to newloveletter ->
- @thisisyourfault AWW YESSSSSS 😀 in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @thisisyourfault IMAGINE ACTUAL THORIN & 42 KITTENS omg in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @thisisyourfault decorative cookie punch :O in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @misslilypotkin He's in Pacific Rim, True Blood and was Sean Slater in Eastenders in reply to misslilypotkin ->