Tweets for 2013-11-30
- @RonniPudding I had an odd sock in my drawer for about 6 years. Last week I discovered it's twin in a duvet cover in reply to RonniPudding ->
- @drop_of_indigo ->
- @drop_of_indigo IT HAS BEEN SITTING OPEN IN A TAB FOR 2 DAYS AND I KEPT FORGETTING TO SEND IT YOU in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- what if the doctor visited atlantis? ->
- RT @smartmatt: @herdivineshadow exciting news for you: spotted in sainsburys. Vom. ->
- @smartmatt omg amaze in reply to smartmatt ->
- @smartmatt I'd try it. Cinnamon is alright on hot chocolate and in hot cross buns in reply to smartmatt ->
- @drop_of_indigo Was it lots of beefy men in shorts running about? in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- @drop_of_indigo Aus I think :/ in reply to drop_of_indigo ->
- @Hello_Tailor They're supposed to fistbump in solidarity in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @drop_of_indigo I'm looking at the BBC live page for yr match and I don't think it's in English. Is a drop goal like a drop bear? ->
- Yessssss #Atlantis time! ->
- @laurenlaverne @raveontoast But advent starts tomorrow! in reply to laurenlaverne ->
- NO. Don't be happy Medusa and Hercules. It can only end badly #Atlantis ->
- WHAT DID I TELL YOU? #Atlantis ->
- @cleolinda I'm wearing Lick It right now 😀 in reply to cleolinda ->
- It's not going to be simple #Atlantis ->
- It's going to be a thing that ends really badly. #Atlantis ->
- SEE. THE UNDERWORLD. #Atlantis ->
- I do wonder that the didn't worry about Hercules before #Atlantis ->
- This would be one of the times where it would be handy if Jason knew anything about Greek mythology #Atlantis ->
- I like that they've got matching outfits #Atlantis ->
- What it matter that Jason doesn't realise the dangers involved? He doesn't realise a lot of things #Atlantis ->
- They're having the worst time of it on this quest #Atlantis ->
- Thanos is a good name for a corpse-bearer #Atlantis ->
- How can they suck life from the dead guy though? #Atlantis ->
- I know Cyrus is already dead and all, but what are the odds something bad happens to him? #Atlantis ->
- It doesn't feel like there will be enough time for them to resolve the whole thing with Medusa #Atlantis ->
- How do they bring a physical object back from the dead? #Atlantis ->
- They've still not addressed the part about Jason being from the future have they? #Atlantis ->
- Is tonight's episode the first one where no one takes their shirt off? #Atlantis ->
- Shocking lack of triangles too #Atlantis ->
- The box is under the floor though. How would Medusa find it? #Atlantis ->
- Oh. Magic whispering box. #Atlantis ->
- OH. Medusa #Atlantis ->
- SO basically the one story about Greek myth he does know AND HE HASN'T ALREADY SHARED IT #Atlantis ->
- I am glad that it's opening a magic box that'ss done the snakes to Medusa rather than the actual myth thing #Atlantis ->
- But Atlantis gets destroyed anyway. So it's alright not killing Medusa right? #Atlantis ->
- @Hedgeypig But would you have to eat the snake food or could it just be them? in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- Babylon AD is on. AWESOME ->
- @grrlinterrupted Einfach klasse! in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @sebpatrick I dunno, it makes sense after the thing yesterday in Glasgow in reply to sebpatrick ->
- RT @sebabybaby: Looking good, Beorn… #TheHobbit #SwedishPoster @TheHobbitMovie @theoneringnet ->
- BEORN ->