Tweets for 2013-12-01
- Mint choc pringles are amaze ->
- May have finally found the pringles that I am unable to stop eating ->
- Nope. Wait. Remain able to cease consumption of pringles ->
- @smartmatt FACT. It's a bit like when I make mint choc cupcakes but like potato in reply to smartmatt ->
- “The Hollow†by @aperfectcircle is my new jam. ♫ Listen: ->
- @smartmatt potato is awesome though in reply to smartmatt ->
- @smartmatt I guess you don't like dunking chips in ice cream then? in reply to smartmatt ->
- @smartmatt I think you're missing out with the pringles though. SO TASTY in reply to smartmatt ->
- RT @prong365: Who remembers Dr. Alban? Well he's going for Eurovision this year in the Swedish national selections. #itsmylife Good luck, D… ->
- @ashenkey MAKE HIM BRING YOU um. SNOW in reply to ashenkey ->