Tweets for 2013-12-26
- @JamesHunt I used to go to see the Problem Child films with my cousins at the cinema at Christmas/Easter in reply to JamesHunt ->
- RT @DorianGrayBFP: In a little under 36 hours, Dorian returns in part one of The Mayfair Monster: @vlavla @bigfinish ->
- RT @TagsOfAO3: Everyone Loves Mako Mori (Pacific Rim) ->
- If you imagine the colour of a zombie's liquefying insides, then you have successfully pictured the soup I've just made ->
- @dreaminred "I have a teddy bear that likes a lot of room." in reply to dreaminred ->
- In other news, Death Comes to Pemberly has NOTHING on Idris Elba's delighted little face while he's driving some old car really fast ->
- RT @SarahDobbs: As well as President Roslin being demoted to First Lady, Data just drifted with a kaiju. #independenceday ->
- RT @TagsOfAO3: RT @nerdwergererns: @TagsOfAO3 smoooooooching (Young Avengers) ->
- @JamesHunt This explains why I could hear my mum CACKLING to herself upstairs earlier then in reply to JamesHunt ->