Tweets for 2014-01-01
- 🎧My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: AFI (13), A Perfect Circle (12) & Alkaline Trio (11) ->
- RT @BiscuitAhoy: Bloody Uncle Bulgaria. Coming over here, making good use of the things that he finds. Things that the everyday folk leave … ->
- RT @simonpegg: The looks of suspicion you get as a non drinker are worth if for the looks of resentment you get from the painfully hung ove… ->
- RT @hnycombinator: AOL Sells Winamp And Shoutcast Music Services instead of shutting it down (cmts… ->
- PSA: Bacon jam goes really really well with brie ->
- @piratemoggy I'm thinking about getting some mozzarella, tomatoes and toasting it all on fancypants bread with basil too in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @dreaminred it is made of bacon in reply to dreaminred ->
- I wonder where my copy of The Railway Man is hmm ->
- @grrlinterrupted weeeeird in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @piratemoggy Be sure you know it's excitement and not something else from the curry in reply to piratemoggy ->
- Is always the Underground, isn't it. ->
- RT @PrairieHamster: sherlock is now played by callum keith rennie and no one will explain to john ->
- @Gregorynolan My mum was definitely enjoying the episodes she was watching yesterday… in reply to Gregorynolan ->