Tweets for 2014-02-25
- @stonemesteve I've been told that I giggle in my sleep, which is possibly weirder than talking ->
- @Jess_Ndublet @HungerMagazine Hah I was delighted to realise my local supermarket had it so I didn't have to schlep across London with one in reply to Jess_Ndublet ->
- @WeAreTeamRock If only you really needed someone who'd wrangle lions and wear spandex! Pah stupid lack of editor-type experience on my part ->
- @teamrockradio Rebel Yell! ->
- @TeamRockRadio Spun soundtrack – the Corgan related tracks are available here: ->
- RT @tetley_teafolk: There’s a Tetley mug up for grabs! Follow & RT before 10pm and you could be today’s lucky winner! #ThatsBetter ->
- That moment when you think someone is talking about of of the X-Men instead of the singer of your favourite band ->
- @thisisyourfault @wanderlustlover DO A SIKOZU COSTUME in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @thisisyourfault @wanderlustlover :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D in reply to thisisyourfault ->
- @JamesHunt @sebpatrick I have this one video somewhere…. hmm in reply to JamesHunt ->
- RT @jsatellite: Most of @ememess's fantastic novels are going really cheap on Kindle today: Now you've no excuse. ->