Tweets for 2014-03-11
- why do kidneys look so delicious? ->
- RT @syn: Would anyone be interested in co-hosting a regular podcast about infosec, crypto, and similar nerdery? The current ones lack discu… ->
- @petitmew YAYAYAY in reply to petitmew ->
- RT @andrislinz: The #‎metamorphosis of @frankturner: at #Dynamo in #Zurich. ->
- RT @snacky: In today's Snackfood Deathmatch, it's PopTarts vs. cereal: Come vote! ->
- So the cadbury's dairy milk with the ritz crackers in is AMAZE ->
- @zombiewes I don't like the taste or texture of kidney tho. I would eat human flesh if it could be grown in a vat in reply to zombiewes ->
- @zombiewes Oh… I'd eat intestines, stomach and brain tho. Liver doesn't taste good, so that's out in reply to zombiewes ->
- @drop_of_indigo ->