Tweets for 2014-05-30
- @piratemoggy *hugs* <3<3<3 in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @dan_impossible actual pot noodles or delicious weird chinese pot noodles? in reply to dan_impossible ->
- @ashenkey OH YEAH. I heard that it was going to be made. I…kind of want to see it when it arrives on TV in reply to ashenkey ->
- Why is it that I only learn about the really great Second Life sims just as they are about to close? ->
- *turns up graphics settings in viewer, takes a billion pictures* ->
- Ongoing photofest: ->
- This place sounds incredible too ->
- @nikki WAIT. What if Buffy has baby goats tho? BABY GOATS would be totally acceptable. in reply to nikki ->
- RT @MarvelUK: RT if you're watching the season finale of Marvel's #AgentsofSHIELD on @Channel4 ->
- @tambourine Was it really orange? in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @Film4: Our Mila Kunis double bill continues at 11.10pm when she stars alongside Oscar winner Natalie Portman in ballet psycho-thriller … ->
- Do I watch Black Swan? It does have Seb Stan in it for like 5 minutes. ->
- @ErisLovesMovies The answer is yes, pretty much. My mum wanted to see it in the cinema & then I pointed out it's about mental illness in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies …and she's a psychiatric nurse, so essentially would be paying to see her work in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
Tweets for 2014-05-29
- Sorry twitter, my profile page is just going to look rubbish 'cos I co-ordinated my header with my background & it's not like I look at it ->
- I mean. It's not like it'll display properly in Opera anyway. 😀 ->
- RT @VlDEOGAMES: Good job Ubisoft ->
- @ashenkey DO IT in reply to ashenkey ->
- @nikki See I am intrigued by this camo scent, but beer is generally a smell you want to hide in reply to nikki ->
- RT @hannoir: It's British Cheese Week and no one told me. Devastated. ->
- @piratemoggy I don't like cars. I just like money. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy you saw this right? NSFW cos butts ->
- RT @CliveStanden: Goodbye Morocco & @BBCAtlantis.Sad to leave, but it's time to grab that Dane axe out of storage!
#GotALongboatToCatch htt… -> - ATLANTIS. ATLANTIS WILL BE BACK SOON ->
- Why yes, yes I *have* eaten the entire box of Matchmakers ->
- @tambourine s a v e yourself ->
- RT @Hello_Tailor: I had no idea Eva Green's hair is naturally blonde. She is so True Goth that I didn't conceive she might be dying it blac… ->
- @rickedwards1 …is that a Nazi eagle print on his clothes? in reply to rickedwards1 ->
Tweets for 2014-05-28
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Silverchair (3), Mike Duncan (3) & Scheer (2) ->
- @Hello_Tailor SO JEL in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @tambourine Did you see the thing he did with Tom Hardy and Kelly Reilly annnd someone else who is awesome? in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @EllyOcean: Some peppa pigs are more equal than other (that's a funny ironic joke because peppa pig is a capitalist pig with lots of mer… ->
- A venue's rss feed has dropped Erasure into my ears. AWESOME ->
- Greatest videos or greatest videos? ->
- @blueofthebay Definitely, cos Italian is a nationality like British or Canadian or French or…all the things in reply to blueofthebay ->
- @blueofthebay Like…. Mario Balotelli, who must be italian with a name like that and the fact he plays for the Italian national team in reply to blueofthebay ->
- @blueofthebay How does Gal Gadot self-define? in reply to blueofthebay ->
- @blueofthebay Ohhh. There are a lot of Israelis of white European descent, but I don't know much about Gadot in particular. in reply to blueofthebay ->
- @blueofthebay She definitely has a very different cultural background tho so a different perspective to bring to WW in reply to blueofthebay ->
- @blueofthebay Heh doesn't Portman live in the New York tho? Does New York get as sunny as Tel Aviv? in reply to blueofthebay ->
- @blueofthebay Oh. Well, she will – if she's from an eastern european background, then it's pretty much a given. in reply to blueofthebay ->
- @KellyReillyFans @tambourine Yep. 😀 in reply to KellyReillyFans ->
- @KellyReillyFans @tambourine It's really good. 😀 in reply to KellyReillyFans ->
- @piratemoggy I think you need this more than I do ->
- @piratemoggy Until we can do some kind of scientific study, I dispute your claim of "less hot" and put forward "possibly equally hot" in reply to piratemoggy ->
- There was a jay on the fence!!! ->
- @OllieMogs I can't even remember if I got one in reply to OllieMogs ->
- RT @Expendables3: Make YIN YANG part of your #EX3 crew today. The martial arts master is kicking ass in pursuit of the American Dream. htt… ->
- Fingers crossed that Jet Li will be in the next Expendables film for more than 10 minutes just at the beginning. ->
- RT @EJGomez: *Tim Burton slams hands on table*
*turns to Depp*
HOW LONG … -> - I still can't get over Jet Li's Expendables 2 appearance. :/ ->
- RT @NatashaHodgson: Macaroons are the feverish, drunk cousin of meringues, and I don't care for their acid house music. ->
- @OllieMogs Hahaha I wasn't even at that party but I got asked if I shot you in reply to OllieMogs ->
- @Hello_Tailor I am so excited for you to be watching this episode in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Hello_Tailor creepy wig guy is Simon Russell Beale!! in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Hello_Tailor Proteus is so adorable in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Hello_Tailor Soz. Was waiting for this moment, ngl in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
Tweets for 2014-05-27
- @newloveletter …but. woah in reply to newloveletter ->
- @tambourine do not be Marianne Dashwood! in reply to tambourine ->
- @Hello_Tailor DO they mean that they have sand in their outfits? in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- RT @Hello_Tailor: I can't believe I had a geologist staying at my house last week and I completely failed to ask him logistical questions a… ->
- Godfather called from Spain, mentioning that it's raining. Mum failed to ask if it was mainly on the plain. ->
- @tambourine @piratemoggy I am inordinately pleased that this gif exists. ->
- @ashenkey …Bucky doesn't say anything. Natasha says all the things. We follow her for bits in reply to ashenkey ->
- @ashenkey Like. It goes: Steve, Nat, Fury, Sam, Pierce, Sitwell/Bucky in order of focus I think in reply to ashenkey ->
- @ashenkey In fact, maybe Sitwell is before Bucky because gets more to say in reply to ashenkey ->
- @ashenkey YOU KNOW. There should be fic of Nat & Sam hanging out while the Steve Bucky stuff is going on in reply to ashenkey ->
- @ashenkey Cos like. It's got to be a nice change for Nat, hanging with a guy who's relatively balanced and together in a regular way in reply to ashenkey ->
- @ashenkey PFFT. Nat knocks on the door unless she is doing spy-stuff. Or birthday surprises in reply to ashenkey ->
- @piratemoggy @tambourine that video has resulted in the greatest gifs in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @ZooHannibal: When the Aztecs saw Cortés, they could not imagine the calamity to come. What do you imagine when you see puffins in your … ->
- @tambourine I like his face in reply to tambourine ->
Tweets for 2014-05-26
- @tambourine I only thought it was so they would be alphabetically first :/ in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine Man. They wanted uneducated voters, this is what comes with it tho. Lack of basic reading comprehension in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine this automatically makes you cool in reply to tambourine ->
- The problem with napping between 6pm and 8pm? It is suddenly 3am ->
- Hahah Mum's just taken the durian out to defrost and it smells so good she's going to have some too. can't breathe on anyone tomorrow ->
- Mum: "Can you smell gas?" Me: "That's the durian." Mum: "Nooooo." Me: "Do you want to defrost it outside?" ->
- Mum: "Smells like carbon monoxide." Me: "You can't smell carbon monoxide." ->
- Now. I love the smell of durian. However it is a bit liike ripe strawberries and rotten meat in an open sewer. ->
- @Hedgeypig So has Karen Gillan in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- “Celebrity Skin (Divide & Kreate Remix)†by @holerock is my new jam. ♫ Listen: ->
- RT @BBCSheffield: Newly elected Yorks & Humber UKIP MEP Mike Hookem tells @bbcsheffield he doesn't plan to attend any debates in the Europe… ->
- @Hedgeypig exactly! It is a show with time travel. Same faces don't need to be explained at allll 😀 in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @piratemoggy AND LIKE, people vote for them. people vote for them to be in the thing they hate in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @ZooHannibal: These geese mate for life, ensuring that even as they succumb to madness and sin, they bring with them a sympathetic confe… ->
- @smartmatt Sure it does 😀 in reply to smartmatt ->
- @piratemoggy "Girls outside the set of Real Numbers devour your soul" in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @abigailb: Wolverine's backstory tends to accumulate stories about women he makes connections with dying. You could say he is a fridge m… ->
- RT @McKelvie: For years I thought "A stitch in time saves nine" was some weird time travel metaphor. ->
- RT @rey_z: Bring back 1837 laws ->
- Hahah Mum's just gone into her room and exclaimed that it smells of durian. The durian we ate EIGHT hours ago ->
- @magpiewhale 😀 I AM EXCITED FOR YOU in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @thelifeof_rose You neeeed to watch Penny Dreadful ->
- @thelifeof_rose heh not stopping meeee #shifty in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @thelifeof_rose MYSTERIOUS WAYS. It has Rory Kinnear AND Alun Armstrong and omgggggggggggg in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- @understood SO GOOD THO in reply to understood ->
- @magpiewhale YAAAY in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale WATCH THIS ->
- @tambourine @piratemoggy h e l p ->
- @tambourine @piratemoggy he does the best faces in reply to tambourine ->
- @piratemoggy @tambourine That's a euphemism right? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy @tambourine What I am most entertained by, is that this was done before he had his teeth fixed in reply to piratemoggy ->
- I just liked "84. Highway" on Vimeo: ->
- @magpiewhale yessss in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale HIS UNFIXED TEETH. in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @magpiewhale Same 😀 in reply to magpiewhale ->
Tweets for 2014-05-25
- RT @kierongillen: I now live in a world where Guns'n'Roses Slash sounds like a fanfic challenge. ->
- SO. The first 4 episodes of Hannibal are so memorable that my mum did not remember watching them till 30 mins into the 5th ->
- Local council taunting me with news that they've finished their election count but can't announce anything till 10pm ->
- Ohhh man. Pacific Rim/Space Jam mashup ->
- @tambourine @piratemoggy ->
- Just realised that Inception borrow massively from VR.5 ->
- RT @lmorchard: "Alpha male" sounds like everyone would be better waiting until the beta and production releases come around. ->
- VR.5 episode where Duncan incepts himself is the greatest ->
Tweets for 2014-05-24
- @piratemoggy @tambourine At least he's only on instagram. in reply to piratemoggy ->
Tweets for 2014-05-23
- Ughhh why is turnout so rubbish ->
- RT @LFBarfe: Farage declares UKIP "serious players" with 5.6% of 36% of support. That's bordering on homeopathic. ->
- @Alawston @LFBarfe omg. the floods are a homeopathy conspiracy in reply to Alawston ->
- RT @empiremagazine: Drumming doppelgängers Chad Smith and Will Ferrell finally meet – and the world doesn't end: htt… ->
- @tambourine May I interest you in my Rachel Army, with with I intend to seize power? in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @michael_WatObs: Prime Minister David Cameron just emailed Liberal Democrat Stephen Johnson thanking him for all his hard work. #watford… ->
- @tambourine Apparently UKIP were targeting the ward right next to where I live as it's full of poorer, working class with few qualifications in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine I AM SO GLAD THEY DIDN'T WIN ANYTHING. I would have had to have words. Serious words. in reply to tambourine ->
- @MadeFromCorpses This is when we need some kind of terminator from the future to go back in tiem & have a few stern words in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- RT @patrickwintour: Ukip national equivalent share of the vote is 17 %, down from 23 % on 2013, according to BBC. A DROP in my maths. ->
- @piratemoggy @tambourine WHAT IF he is handling it ok? WHAT IF uhhhh twitter has like prepared him for tumblrrr? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy @tambourine He took the Science Bros thing well, maaaybe he has the right kind of disposition to handle it? um. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- WHHHY must we wait until August for the Winter Soldier on DVD? ->
- @piratemoggy Will it slingshot you into Phonogram vol 1? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- As terrible as iPlayer's new navigation is, I do like how everything around the video darkens while yr watching ->
- watching this thing where Goldie totally nerds out over Matisse and it is awesome ->
- RT @ctjhill: Does anyone in/around Birmingham want a rabbit? Know ppl with too many to care for in diminishing circumstances. They're soft … ->
- Audio: corbindewitt: ceeainthereforthat: wizzard890: Soooo Janelle Monae covered David Bowie. hit reblog 3… ->
- @SophieCaldecott @Marvel AWESOME. <3 in reply to SophieCaldecott ->
- @tambourine you, me and @piratemoggy should write to Marvel and offer to take it on as a team. in reply to tambourine ->
- @mstorijo 😀 #nin in reply to mstorijo ->
- @drop_of_indigo ->
- @piratemoggy @tambourine oh man. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @mstorijo Haha. I would have been 13 😀 in reply to mstorijo ->
- @tambourine @piratemoggy Man. I don't look at the comments on instagram, but they're probably weird aren't they? in reply to tambourine ->
Tweets for 2014-05-22
- @PrairieHamster I suspect it is because it is an awesome song and hamstery in reply to PrairieHamster ->
- @mstorijo My mum says after line dancing. I want to vote noooowwwwwww in reply to mstorijo ->
- @tambourine Mmm yes. I enjoyed watching MoS but they had to spend a lot more money & do a lot more work to get somethin I didn't obsess over in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine I mean. Pacific Rim was last year too and I'm stil OMG PACFIC RIM, PUNCHING MONSTERS IN THE FACE WITH GIANT ROBOTS OMG in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine And like. You know the extent of my Bucky and Steve feels from Cap 2, but I have epic feels for EVERYONE and augh. in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @danocdj: Mutants. It's #xmenfm day on@xfm So @IanMcKellen is on the show after 5pm giving his thoughts on your every day superpowers. ->
- @petitmew That's St Anthony's day in reply to petitmew ->
- RT @ThePoke: Unintentionally brilliant Polling Station of the day #Elections2014 ->
- Is it weird that I know how to fold a fitted sheet? ->
- @dreaminred MINCE in reply to dreaminred ->
- @piratemoggy How many extra falafel before your sleeper agent programming is activated tho? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @MedievalArtRes: Okay this has to be the greatest academic essay title ever to grace a page ->
- @ashenkey TASHA in reply to ashenkey ->
- RT @roaratorio: GET OUT RT @BrittenOfficial: The Red House was hit by lightning last night. Luckily, like its former owner, it proved to be… ->
- RT @SoVeryBritish: Cheerio, summer, see you next year ->
- @piratemoggy I nominate @tambourine to be yr Steeb in reply to piratemoggy ->
- Yesterday you sent me the first disc of Hannibal series 1 which you already sent me in February ->
- TODAY you are sending me disc 2, Elementary series 1 disc 1 AND the film 11.6 ->
- I ONLY GET TWO DISCS A MONTH. ONE AT A TIME. While I know you were giving me an extra to make up for the mix up, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? ->
- @tambourine make a paper hat in reply to tambourine ->
- Hahah my mum's just come back from line dancing and she's wearing a cyberman t-shirt ->
- Cousin can't believe that it only took a minute for both my mum and I to vote. ->
- RT @zombiewes: Just found out that it's World Goth Day! Where's my cake? ->
- Ahhhhh. Too excited ->
- @JamesHunt @danielguntrip look at his little face in reply to JamesHunt ->
- RT @kkjordan: Googled "fish tank" – was not disappointed. ->
- @SimonStirrat I <3 #rush in reply to SimonStirrat ->
- @tambourine yep in reply to tambourine ->
- @emmaprew IT IS LOVELY in reply to emmaprew ->
Tweets for 2014-05-21
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Silverchair (23), Scheer (4) & Mike Duncan (2) ->
- @PrairieHamster I must say that I always imagined some kind of folk version of the hamster dance song as being yr theme tune in reply to PrairieHamster ->
- @piratemoggy OH. I used diflam spray on my throat when I was all coughingy. Maybe that could help? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @BFI: “I had a penny-drop moment; I realised that you can make a contemporary film that feels like a mythic landscape†Sam Mendes on Par… ->
- @piratemoggy ALSO I have so many feels about that fic about Bucky's family from yesterday omg in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @tambourine @piratemoggy omggg in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine @piratemoggy not at all. when do you think we'll stop flailing over steve and bucky? it's been like 2 months now in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine @piratemoggy what happens when GotG arrives tho? what about Rocket? what about Groot? in reply to tambourine ->
- @piratemoggy @tambourine *imagines Groot and Steve Rogers hanging out* in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy @tambourine COMPETATIVE KNIVE THROWING CONTESTS. LOSER BUYS THE DRINKS in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @tambourine That looks like it's about a woman who has to put up with a couple of self-absorbed asshats in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine @piratemoggy IT IS MOG OMG in reply to tambourine ->
- @wanderlustlover @blueofthebay karma totally goes down when your activity level dips, unless you turn the vacation freeze thing on in reply to wanderlustlover ->
- RT @Hello_Tailor: Oh my god. What if "Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" is A LAW MOVIE? And "Batman v. Superman" is the lawsuit? ->
- @dreaminred noooooo it was really good in reply to dreaminred ->