Tweets for 2014-06-06
- RT @thehistoryguy: Lucky shot:
#DDay70 -> - Just received a box bigger than my head in the post. Inside it? A tiny box with my new usb mouse in. ->
- NEW MOUSE. Yesssssss. ->
- @PrairieHamster 😀 in reply to PrairieHamster ->
- @nikki AWESOME. Listen to the Billy Idol Christmas album to get in the mood in reply to nikki ->
- RT @laurenlaverne: Jock Hutton, 89 y/o D-Day veteran commemorates #DDay70 by parachuting into Normandy one more time ->
- RT @MooseAllain: A bumble bee's buzz is created by air passing through a tiny natural vuvuzela. ->
- WAIT WHAT Carmen Sandiego/Steve Rogers YEsssss ->
- @anatsuno THAT is a great idea. I shall do likewise in reply to anatsuno ->
- RT @louisebrealey: "And now, as the time draws near for darkness and we steer steadily nearer to France, every man is wondering, every man … ->
- @piratemoggy ILU in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @thehistoryguy: Lucky shot: