Tweets for 2014-07-09
- @JamesHunt #hardehar Is like you crossed my mum with a tv show about a holiday camp O_O in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @piratemoggy Auugh the thing about being away from the interwebs for a fornight is you don't know what to do with yr Bucky feels in reply to piratemoggy ->
- omg iron man wetsuit ->
- RT @recordedpicture: Fancy watching ONLY LOVERS LEFT ALIVE in Tower Hamlets Cemetery? @ShuffleFestival are hosting a screening & Bat Walk h… ->
- RT @katbrown82: IF ONLY our digital department would adopt the error picture. IF ONLY. ->
- ugh flickr ->
- @hanniganspiteri bacon. if vegetarian, chocolate cake in reply to hanniganspiteri ->
- @tambourine haha at the picasso museum, the lady at the desk asked me how old I was to see if I needed a child ticket. "I'm 30" in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @slodwick: My coworker just suggested I make a correction “post-heistâ€, so brb casing some jewelry stores and bank vaults. ->