Tweets for 2014-08-06
- jaffa teacakes ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Nine Worlds Geekfest (4), TLC (3) & Frank Turner (3) ->
- @tambourine YES in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @kierongillen: If you asked me what generation of music fan I was, I'd say "Pardon?" If they repeated, I'd say "the last before ear-plug… ->
- @tambourine @Hello_Tailor @nonmodernist @MLDavies Turn it into a Deadpool short. With only that bit in the lift and directly after in reply to tambourine ->
- @mezjennifer Even just for the press tour. The press tour would be DELIGHTFUL in reply to mezjennifer ->
- @piratemoggy I have "Bro" full fat coke in the fridge. Just to look at. Cos I have 24 cans of rootbeer to drink first. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @tambourine @piratemoggy @kierongillen OH GOD. Drax's dirty talk. :/ in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @cupofcrow: Send help ->
- @FilmCritHULK Does Cap 2's UK release date count? in reply to FilmCritHULK ->