Tweets for 2014-09-19
- RT @empiremagazine: He's the merc with a movie… Fox has officially announced Deadpool for 2016:… ->
- @piratemoggy AS an actual pirate feline, are you dressed in an old school pirate fashion as if you were a cooler Captain Hook today? ->
- @understood Have choices between people who aren't annoying 😀 in reply to understood ->
- Today I shall mostly be imagining a Winter Soldier Peter Pan AU. ->
- RT @laura2hong: Still looking for female comic book fans on Twitter to interview for my thesis. Message me if interested, or you know someo… ->
- @piratemoggy IT IS. HMmm Perhaps you could think about a Winter Soldier Peter Pan AU instead in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @abigailb: subjected me to transphobic abuse on Wed, still want payment in full http://t.c… ->
- RT @Pinboard: I know sober you would never eat a poutine haggis, but let’s just see what drunk you has to say about it ->
- @sebpatrick OI. I did my Yarrr at a little past midnight in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick NOPE. It made legal accounting a lot of fun. AND THEN I start thinking about what if Bucky was Capt Hook in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @sebpatrick but then who would Cap be? Maybe it go the OUaT route and he could be….uh SOMEONE. I dunno. in reply to sebpatrick ->
- Today I have had to explain to my mum the following: referendums, bop-it toys, remote control helicopters, stamps ->
- @nikki yeah she didn't get how I knew the price is 58.3p per 1st class stamp in Costco & 60p regularly or why they were like that in reply to nikki ->
- RT @CBCMusic: .@JayMalinowski & the Deadcoast cover Leonard Cohen's "Bird on a Wire," and the video is so lovely: #C… ->
- RT @Geek_Kay: Oh boy. Autocorrect turned "ye scurvy lads" into "yes curvy lads". I'm going to get kicked off the pirate ship. ->
- RT @InterpeaceTweet: "We cannot ignore injustice if we want to talk #peace." Jeremy #GenevaPeaceTalks ->
- Also today my mum received a pillow in a weirdly shaped box in the post. ->
Tweets for 2014-09-18
- @newloveletter You hit the all agony too many feels about hope wall in reply to newloveletter ->
- MY MUM IS CHATTING TO THE NEIGHBOUR and I don't want to interrupt but her lunch is getting cold :/ ->
- RT @kierongillen: Why didn't people program in BASIC between 1811-1820? Because it was the Regen-C. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaha… ->
- haha googling my name and coming up with the other me in the village & the only differences are she has tattoos, drinks alcohol & like metal ->
- I'd share the pictures cos she's adorable but they've got my name all over them. SO. ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I'm 7th doing that on a private tab. It's got my linkedin profile picture in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses the first 3 are the other one in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses is it betrayal when you put it there for that reason? hehe in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- Man. I'm looking at what is probably her etsy profile from what I know of her interests and I'm like, YOU ARE SLAPPING YOUR NAME ALL OVER ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I am bringing it down from the inside and turning it to propagate my wicked plans in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @ErisLovesMovies haha OI. Lexx was a CLASSIC show in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- Why are you not more careful about your online image other Rachel in the village? ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I am immune to skynet in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- It should not be this easy to find her instagram and etsy and myspace. She's only 3 years younger than me. ->
- @MadeFromCorpses PFFFFFT. I CAN TAKE IT in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- She also really really really likes Tom Hiddleston ->
- about 10% of the instagram accounts she follows are Hiddleston, Hemsworth or Thorki related. ->
- @MadeFromCorpses IT IS POSSIBLE. Do you also do sucide girls style alt modelling on the side? in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- My #LFF tickets are here!!!! 😀 ->
- TWITTER: My mum has finished watching Sons of Anarchy. What on netflix should she watch next? ->
- In case you weren't aware, my mum likes stuff with violence in. ->
- @ErisLovesMovies *makes list* in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Olyphant doesn't look like my Dad did when he was young tho. Or when he was old. Like Jax & Opie do in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies haha WELL unless he looks like someone she knows, he'll just be Generic White Guy in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies My mum loved 47 Ronin cos she could tell all the people apart. in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- RT @EccentricFlower: I am seldom more inclined to sabotage gender than when I think it'll be used to decide whether to sell me the pink pro… ->
- @purpill Carefully fire a small cupcake at her face with a catapult in reply to purpill ->
- @purpill SHUT THE DOOR, a *CAKE* made *CRUMBS*? in reply to purpill ->
- @purpill the crumbs thing seems like something that should have come up in the pre-event safety evaluation in reply to purpill ->
- @purpill It sounds like she needs a holiday or a spa weekend or something :/ in reply to purpill ->
- @piratemoggy *giant robot disappointed face* in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @alistairjsutton I don't know. I shall suggest it to her in reply to alistairjsutton ->
- WHAT is the thing that makes our digital telly have no signal every evening for a bit? ->
- I <3 how one of the Musketeers searches out fanart etc on tumblrrrr ->
- @tambourine the poster for this film is amazing in reply to tambourine ->
- @emmaprew YOU SHOULD in reply to emmaprew ->
- @emmaprew This is one of those times you need a TARDIS cos then you just beam right on in in reply to emmaprew ->
- RT @emilyhughes: Calling it the "Scottish vote" makes it sound like the real name is bad luck. ->
- @alistairjsutton @dylanparry why? in reply to alistairjsutton ->
- @piratemoggy YOU KNOW how Winter Soldier made you cry n stuff? That is Pacific Rim for me in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy RINKO KIKUCHI. Owen from Torchwood. That guy from the vegan police in Scott Pilgrim. PERLMAN. ELBA. HUNNAM'S ABS. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy And that guy wot was in Eastenders and True Blood. And that other guy who is like a marine in everything. AND A CUTE DOG. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- Getting to the stage where I might actually have to make something in Second Life again cos I can't find it already existing. ugh ->
- @piratemoggy GIANT ROBOTS. I have so many feelings about GIANT ROBOTS in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy AND THEN YOU COULD GET INTO ALL THE AVENGERS PACIFIC RIM AU stuff. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy WELL IT WILL BE EVEN WORSE after. AUGH. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- Getting there. ->
- Maybe this is better. ->
- The crows are only on one arm though. Ugggh this bit might not be possible. HMM ->
- I AM SURE that only having one arm and them mirroring it to make the other makes the template easy BUT IT MAKES OTHER THINGS REALLY HARD ->
Tweets for 2014-09-17
- RT @nedwards: *staring down at the corpse of Frankenstein's monster*
"Perhaps man is the real monster"
*voice from back of peasant mob*
… ->
- @emmaprew @gaslightanthem @againstme They're trying to encourage us to develop an actual TARDIS in reply to emmaprew ->
- Mum: "People used to be able to put their hands right round my neck." ->
- This is the mum who used to say I had a nice neck for beheading. ->
- @Hello_Tailor @tambourine I think he must enjoy it in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @kirstyharrod Yeah but K, isn't it like an 18? You've only had 2 years in which to watch it in reply to kirstyharrod ->
- RT @nedwards: *staring down at the corpse of Frankenstein's monster*
Tweets for 2014-09-16
- ahah I had too much fun yesterday ->
- @ErisLovesMovies WHAT IF there was Bourne with both of them. They could go to the beach and hang out in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies She can hang out at the beach with them too. It could be a nice film where they chill & eat ice cream in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- “Fields Of June (Feat. Frank Turner)†by Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo is my new jam. ♫ Listen: ->
- RT @katbrown82: Emma Thompson and Bryn Terfel in Sweeney Todd for the ENO next spring. I am SCREAMING with excitement, but silently, becaus… ->
- @SimonStirrat hahah I had no idea. I should tell my mum in reply to SimonStirrat ->
- @thelifeof_rose what about a crossover in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- RT @ErisLovesMovies: Tell your dad you love him, assuming that you can and you do, because that shit cannot be said too often. ->
Tweets for 2014-09-15
- @piratemoggy I HAVE SAD NEWS about Chris Evans that I don't think you know from listening to that podcast wot you do ->
- RT @frankturner: Times for St Albans tonight – doors at 7, @KooKooKangaRoo at 8, me and @_sleepingsouls at 9, finished by 11. Sold out show! ->
- @danielguntrip uhhhh there's two train stations has it not always been that? Like. So people know it's not the other one? in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @danielguntrip that is the one that everyone goes to. and the one I never go to. in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @danielguntrip WEIRD. Well St Albans has been a city for a super long time so I guess they finally got around to it in reply to danielguntrip ->
- @piratemoggy His little dog is no longer with us 🙁 in reply to piratemoggy ->
- My mum has only just realised that Prince Harry is ginger ->
- @piratemoggy @causingfevers Do you follow @EvansBeard ? I think you should. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy h e l p ->
- Buying the daily fail today cos my mum wants the thing about BLOATING 😀 ->
- RT @vnaylon: 1. Put your hands in the box
2. Remind yourself that fear is the mind-killer
3. Perhaps you are the Kwisatz Haderach http://t.… -> - @tambourine askdlaksjdl ->
- @piratemoggy SAME in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @alyssanilsen: St Albans soundcheck for @FrankTurner and @_sleepingsouls. @KooKooKangaRoo are on at 8, and the boys are on at 9! http://… ->
- there are more of the over 50's here than i expected ->
- maybe i should have brought my mum. she was watching emmerdale when i left though… ->
- starting to wonder if i magically got shorter in the night ->
- almost frank turner time! ->
- RT @funfunrecords: @KooKooKangaRoo have a food blog for their UK tour with @frankturner You can follow their fun adventures here:http://t.… ->
- RT @BFI: Jim Jarmusch’s Only Lovers Left Alive is now available to devour on @bfiplayer: ->
- RT @empiremagazine: One final amazing cake. This is based on Hannibal, so it's probably made of people (via @Jennyglyr)… ->
Tweets for 2014-09-14
- @EnlightBystand but it could have been a Pink ancestor! maybe! in reply to EnlightBystand ->
- @EnlightBystand but it probably looks different in the dark right? in reply to EnlightBystand ->
Tweets for 2014-09-13
- @PrairieHamster actually I would like to see that in reply to PrairieHamster ->
- @thelifeof_rose SAME. in reply to thelifeof_rose ->
- PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN TO THE OLD VIC RECENTLY: My mum wishes to know about the air con situation. She doesn't like the cold ->
- well, the crucible was super intense. ->
- @eruvadhril My abiding love for Richard Armitage as an actor is fully justified. It was AWESOME in reply to eruvadhril ->
- @ErisLovesMovies AMAZING in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies If I was worn out after watching it, HOW CAN THEY DO ANOTHER PERFORMANCE AN HOUR AFTER THE LAST FINISHES? in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies but it must feel awesomely cathartic too, even if totally exhausting in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies also he is lovely in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Nooo my mum's tummy was rumbling so we went for FOODS also matinee in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies OH MAN IT WAS REALLY GOOD I CANNOT GET OVER IT in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @piratemoggy What dye did you use? When I was *WASHING* my blue hair it always looked like I'd torn apart a smurf in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @jeffnoon: Rain is drawn to you alone. Wi-Fi hotspots follow you from the cafe; your hair sparks, and your lips tingle with incoming tex… ->
- @piratemoggy Um. I have been sitting in the dining room watching Who while occassionally glancing at the spider sitting on the ceiling in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy I am waiting for it to come down so I can grab it and put it outside though. Or if my mum sees it she will be scared in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @RCArmitage: Good night and thank you for all your support@oldvictheatre #TheCrucible ->
- @EnlightBystand cos she keeps bumping into them cos she was thinking about Pink the first time in reply to EnlightBystand ->
Tweets for 2014-09-12
- why is the chocolate & chilli ice cream in such a big box? ->
- @piratemoggy BUCKY NO in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @JamesHunt haha you've just reminded me that I stated reading Simon Sebag Montefiore's book Jerusalem and I've not finished it in reply to JamesHunt ->
- RT @thefourthvine: A poem for the internet:
Why did I read that thing that I read?
Why did I do that to myself?
Well, at least I didn'… -> - RT @Independent: Grandmas keep accidentally tagging themselves as Grandmaster Flash on Facebook… ->
- @nikki @NadiaKamil Small children in small doses is the best. in reply to nikki ->
- Hahah listening to my mum attempting to explain the earth's magnetism to someone ->
- Ugh feel weird ->
- @kakapojayne I've spent over 90 hours playing Sims 2 in the last 3 weeks. in reply to kakapojayne ->
- RT @SFXmagazine: DVD REVIEW Only Lovers Left Alive: “one of the most endearing portraits of true love ever created for cinema.†… ->
- RT @cleolinda: #gondorneedsnocontext RT @helenshang: He just punched a plate of halibut. ->
- @kakapojayne hehe the problem I've been having that I'll inevitably start playing at midnight & realise it's suddenly 3am in reply to kakapojayne ->
- RT @KloKlo: If we don't put Idris Elba on the new pound coin, what are we even doing here? ->
- RT @finslippy: I Fought The Law, But The Law Was in Liam Neeson's Hands, Which Were Rough as a Longshoreman's Yet Surprisingly Tender ->
- @kakapojayne the only time something like that happened was that one day when I fell into a fanfic hole for 16 hours in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @piratemoggy the rest of that shoot is amazing too in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @budgie woah in reply to budgie ->
- @shanucore YOU LIVE in reply to shanucore ->
- @Hello_Tailor Which one of you is moonlighting as Hawkeye? in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- There is nothing like waiting for virtual rain to show up that you can hear but can't see yet ->
- RT @MrTimDunn: THIS is what is wrong with British architecture right now
- Hahaha WOW USA Today, it's like you KNOW my Dad is dead ->
- RT @RCArmitage: Here is the winner of WNTW Salem1692. ->
- RT @tangerinebean: @RCArmitage Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition…. #TheCrubicle ->
- Aaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha omg ->
- In other news, tomorrow I am going to see The Crucible ->
- "the devil's trouser" ->
- @piratemoggy ICED MANGO TEA in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @Hello_Tailor he's read teen wolf baseball AUs in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Hello_Tailor well yes. that too. BUT IMAGINE. in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Hello_Tailor I kind of want to read a baseball AU of something other than Winter Soldier now, even though I know nothing of baseball in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @ashenkey FIC ->
Tweets for 2014-09-11
- @damienmolony @bfi I'm going for 1001 Grams for sure #LFF in reply to damienmolony ->
- @petitmew You doing half and half left/right? or streaks or one different coloured stripe? in reply to petitmew ->
- RT @ustudylondon: Who knew the #Vatican had a #cricket #team? @YourStMarys is hosting them in #London! @VaticanCultura @PCCS_VA… ->
- @SimonStirrat hahah the donate bit is so annoying in reply to SimonStirrat ->
- @SimonStirrat that's what I'm doing 😀 in reply to SimonStirrat ->
- @SimonStirrat looks like they've auto unticked the donate box for all now in reply to SimonStirrat ->
- @JanisThomasFF @SimonStirrat definitely going to email with feedback on the booking process – good stuff and bad in reply to JanisThomasFF ->
- @splash_of_blue I GOT YOUR FOXCATCHER TICKET ->
- Wondering how the Cumberbatch fans are doing booking their LFF tickets ->
- Whoop whoop. @BFI #LFF tickets all bought and constructive feedback email about booking process sent too. WAAAY better than last year ->
- @purpill Is it still affordable and comparable to local prices? in reply to purpill ->
- @Aqualice do you need to have the student box ticked in your member settings? in reply to Aqualice ->
- #LFF lineup (1/?): Metamorphoses, Biophilia, Vanquishing of the Witch Baba Yaga,The Drop, The Possibilities Are Endless, The Immortalists… ->
- #LFF line up (2/?): Testament of Youth, 1001 Grams, This Illuminated World is Full of Stupid Me, War Book, Robot Overlords, Far From Men… ->
- #LFF lineup (3/3): and Monsters: Dark Continent. EXCITED. ->
- @BFI Kittens ->
- RT @domwakeford: If you're having trouble paying for #LFF tickets, do what I did and RUN to the BFI with a printout of your basket, and all… ->
- @domwakeford amazing 😀 in reply to domwakeford ->
- @domwakeford This is simultaneously more and less exciting than last year's shenanigans in reply to domwakeford ->
- @Aqualice what's yr hackney one? in reply to Aqualice ->
- @Aqualice I think concessions are only Mon – Fri before 5pm in reply to Aqualice ->
- @Aqualice ahhhh. heh in fairness the page about ticket prices is fairly hard to decipher in reply to Aqualice ->
- @Emily_Precious @BFI woahhhhhhhh. look at all of them. in reply to Emily_Precious ->
- @BradfordMoz Haha that's what I did in reply to BradfordMoz ->
- “BFI London Film Festival 2014â€, my list on @letterboxd: ->
- @piratemoggy BEST OF MOGS, what are you doing on 13th October before 9pm? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @sebpatrick I thought this was a new Seb Stan film and then I remembered in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @piratemoggy I have DVDs to bring to lend you! ALSO I have like nearly 7 hrs to kill between LFF films in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy …I can also bring a DVD player to lend you it is a bit bulky but I have hacked it to be region free in reply to piratemoggy ->
- I have @HungerMagazine and custard doughnuts. I know what the rest of today will involve now 😀 ->
- RT @ScienceAllDay: YOU GUYS
IT'S A SUGAR CUBE. -> - The Bucky Barnes fanart instagram is the most amazing thing I have seen since Winter Soldier was on at the cinema ->
- As much as I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Net, The Losers is on the other channel and I am compelled to watch it. ->
- Yes, I know I have both of them on DVD. ->
- The Net and The Losers are surprisingly similar ->
Tweets for 2014-09-10
- I feel like I should tell you all about my watch. My granddad gave it to my mum when she was 18 and coming to the UK to study nursing. ->
- It's a kinetic watch and sometimes I spend too much time with my laptop and essentially moving only my fingers it stops. ->
- BASICALLY the way I type means my watch gets about 5 minutes behind over the course of a week because I don't move enough ->
- OTOH this watch is over 40 years old and hasn't ever needed any batteries or repair or anything so. ->
- @Hello_Tailor @Typhonatemybaby Thanks to this tweet I have gone and looked for this fact. in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- RT @kerihw: I thought all U2 albums were pro-bono. ->
- @ICooper WAIT. Women's clothes will have actual pockets in them now? in reply to ICooper ->
- RT @BrianLynch: If the sequel to NOW YOU SEE ME isn't called NOW YOU DON'T then what the hell are we fighting for? ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: AFI (14), Jay Malinowski (13) & Jay Malinowski & The Deadcoast (10) ->
- Unexpectedly using the German I learnt at school to decipher a delivery note for my mum. Woo ->
- @piratemoggy You've just received pin-up art of Bucky Barnes in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy Obvs he is nekkid in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy STILLS OF CHRIS EVANS FROM THE FILM LONDON in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy Which is, actually, a pretty interesting to watch if only for the unexpectedness of Evans & the Stath doing lines in a bathroom in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy OMG Vaguely interestingly to note, at the time Evans & Biel were together in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy ALSO this film is pretty much where all the Evans orgasm face gifs on tumblr are from in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy ALSO Kat Dennings is in it for about a minute in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy I HAVE NO IDEA. You've seen Street Kings right? Keanu Reeves, Chris Evans, Hugh Laurie, Forest Whittaker…policemen in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy YOU NEED TO SEE THAT KEANU REEVES IS AWESOME in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @everypunk: double-knitpunk ->
- @SimonStirrat Yeah, last year I had a short list of 28 films to try and make logisitically possible – this year is 15 in reply to SimonStirrat ->
- TIL there is a Vatican Cricket Team ->
- @piratemoggy aww Hawkeye in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @kakapojayne uhhhhhhh. I don't have a wedding fund but that's cos Chinese custom is the groom's family pay & British custom is the bride's.. in reply to kakapojayne ->
- @kakapojayne ..and like, I don't understand why I'd need more than rocking up at the church in jeans & going for a chinese after in reply to kakapojayne ->
- I like how the music during Cap's inspiring tannoy speech is the sound of people going to die doing the right thing ->
- OF COURSE now I am wondering what Cap's speeches might be like if he did them in a supermarket. ->
- He could talk about the 3 for £3 offer on lactose free milk. ->
- This is what I have mostly been doing lately ->