Tweets for 2015-05-07
- @OnlyWhenChased I WANT A CAP FILM DAMNIT I don't want all these other people 🙁 in reply to OnlyWhenChased ->
- @ErisLovesMovies YES. Or right at the end, Tony knocks over Steve's apple pie milkshake and thus Civil War happens in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I can't understand why Marvel doesn't just hire us in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- RT @HertsmereBC: Less than hour left for you to vote! Everything's nearly ready at the #hertsmerecount #GE2015 #LE2015… ->
- HILARIOUSLY, even though I am in Hertsmere, the Watford candidates & their supporters get confused and deliver leaflets to us ->
- RT @Nickiquote: "Civil War" is trending due to an upcoming Captain America film, not the results of that exit poll. At the moment. ->
- I just remembered that there is a new episode of Penny Dreadful that I haven't watched yet. Woo. 😀 ->
Tweets for 2015-05-05
- RT @theshrillest: #HowToSpotAFeminist stand behind her, place your fingertips or palms under the bar, & stay with her until the weights are… ->
- @JamesHunt did you do the "how does he smell" joke already? in reply to JamesHunt ->
Tweets for 2015-05-04
- @Zendarenn I am SO excited for this in reply to Zendarenn ->
- @Zendarenn haha well I'm watching it via lovefilm DVD so it's taking me a while. It is DELIGHTFUL in reply to Zendarenn ->
- @nikki HAPPY BIRTHDAY! OR AT LEAST my weak jedi powers suggest to me it is yr birthday so YES. THE HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS TO YOU ->
- @Zendarenn Armitage got really into the William Blake stuff for Spooks, I can only imagine what he's done with it for this in reply to Zendarenn ->
- RT @SFXmagazine: RIP Grace Lee Whitney, Yeoman Rand in Star Trek, who has passed away at the age of 85. ->
- @Zendarenn @The_Ladylark Haha the problem with that is my Mum & I watch during dinner & I really wanted to eat mushrooms after that in reply to Zendarenn ->
- @Zendarenn I think we should ponder his torso for a moment to really assess that one in reply to Zendarenn ->
- @Zendarenn @The_Ladylark I CANNOT HELP IT watching Hannibal makes me super hungry in reply to Zendarenn ->
- I realise that I live in a Tory safe seat but I don't get why the Lib Dem candidate can't be bothered to do ANYTHING AT ALL ->
- WELL I suppose I should find something out about the parish council candidates too ->
- @DHLinton I don't know the answer to this one. :/ in reply to DHLinton ->
- This thing I like most about Coursera is that I can up the speed of the videos a bit ->
- RT @Hello_Tailor: Good post from @TheNerdsofColor on anti-Asian subtext in Netflix's Daredevil. ->
- @Hello_Tailor I still want a Chinese American Iron Fist who rejected his heritage growing up. Or I could be Iron Fist. Either is good in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @Hello_Tailor @marvel thanks 😀 I mean, I'm going to need serious training and a diet overhaul but WHATEVER. I could do it. in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- RT @SoVeryBritish: If we all sit extremely still, Tuesday won't be able to see us ->
- RT @ememess: Only Forward #OF20 ->
- .@ememess's Only Forward is the only book I have 3 copies of cos the gravity went funny in my room & buried the 1st two under stuff ->
- RT @DrewAtHitFix: It's official! Keanu will shoot even more faces in 'John Wick 2' @HitFix ->
- RT @nickmurftweets: An peach of an outburst by my pal, the beautiful Tom Burke. ->
Tweets for 2015-05-03
- RT @Gingerhazing: "Okay Noelle how would YOU have done AoU different"
Glad you asked *pulls out giant chart labeled THE HULKEYE AGENDA* -> - RT @Pundamentalism: "I'll have the 'Möbius Strip Chicken' main, please."
"Any sides?"
"Just the one." ->
- RT @CountVonCount: Two hundred fifty six! Ah ah ah! ->
- @tambourine wot. I did not get this memo O_O in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @connaissais: omg, the university health center has a stethoscope statue outside that occasionally sets the ground on fire, nbd http://t… ->
- RT @mrbillyfitz: To get Picard to convey a sense of command in a shot from the #TNG pilot, the director yelled, "PATRICK! I WANT YOU TO FUC… ->
- RT @Gingerhazing: "Okay Noelle how would YOU have done AoU different"
Tweets for 2015-05-02
- @grrlinterrupted *hughug* I <3 you in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I like to dip chips in ice cream. 😀 in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies maccy d's french fries + mcflurry = delish in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies omg. but but DAIRY AND POTATO in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- nearly wrath of khan time! ->
- @piratemoggy I can do fixit: Steve Rogers steps out of the shower and realises it was all a too much cheese dream in reply to piratemoggy ->
Tweets for 2015-05-01
- RT @UniqueDude2: [old west]
Cowboy 1: This town aint big enough for the both of us
Cowboy 2: what if we got closer
<they start kissing>
Cow… -> - @andromedaed I'm pretty conflicted about this one cos I'm like "DO YOU KNOW" but maybe they just like the story? ugh in reply to andromedaed ->
- RT @UniqueDude2: [old west]
Tweets for 2015-04-30
- @smartmatt It put me at 31 which is only 14 days out… in reply to smartmatt ->
- @Jook I thought his son was dead in reply to Jook ->
- @smartmatt you might want to up your anti-oxidants in reply to smartmatt ->
- RT @stilgherrian: Friday. Your battle to maintain your individual human existence continues to be lost. Slowly but surely, you are being as… ->
- RT @louisebrealey: Mid-way point in Constellations rehearsals. I have learned 1) How to waltz and talk at the same time. 2) Joe Armstrong d… ->
- RT @JamesHunt: 80s/90s nerds: do we agree that it goes Transformers/Turtles/Power Rangers/Pokemon? Am I missing any similarly-big franchise? ->
- @magpiewhale DID U SEE I retweeted a thing that mentions Joe Armstrong? in reply to magpiewhale ->
- @daniel_barker Is everyone way older or way younger than you were expecting? in reply to daniel_barker ->