Tweets for 2015-06-28
- @Jook Woah. She's against divorce too right? In all circumstances? in reply to Jook ->
- RT @Ox_Bex: BBC subtitling department have had enough #glastonbury #Kanye ->
- @Jook I really don't know. I've been telling anti equal marriagers that people should do like a driving test before marriage in reply to Jook ->
- @Jook YESssss if you CANNOT pass the requirements you SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED. & divorce is right out. MUAHAHAHA in reply to Jook ->
- @HenryCavillOrg I remain facinated by the relationship between how far Henry gets into a night out and the no of shirt buttons he has undone in reply to HenryCavillOrg ->
- RT @emilybarkerhalo: I wrote a song for #JonathanStrangeAndMrNorrell @BBCOne TVseries, which wasn't used but thought I'd share it anyway..h… ->
- I wonder if Lionel's towel is from the fridge or not ->
- @ErisLovesMovies actually just had to google the size of ireland in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @Jook you mean 31 year old woman right? cos Sims is awesome in reply to Jook ->
- @HelenLOHara Is it made by mermaids? in reply to HelenLOHara ->
- Literally only know the song Lionel is singing right now cos it's on the Moonwalker video cassette ->
- @tambourine …I still hear about related goings -on in Second Life in reply to tambourine ->