Tweets for 2015-07-13
- RT @KyleKallgren: Someone stop me from doing a dubsmash of 4'33'' ->
- RT @dangrech: Wisdom to anyone graduating: don't feel tied to your degree subject area, do whatever the hell you want. ->
- I did Computer Science/Software Engineering & since then, I've been a legal cashier & done a MA in Politics, Religion & Conflict Resolution ->
- Comp Sci taught me that I didn't want to work in that field but also a whole bunch of related stuff that was handy for other jobs ->
- AND LIKE I am still glad I did it, because it was interesting and I finished it and had a good time and it was the best choice to make at 18 ->
- BASICALLY my mum needs to win the lottery & then I'll just be a student forever and study everything ->
- (My mum would enjoy the winning far more than I would – she was way more excited about my exam results & graduation than me) ->
- (also, she's the one who actually buys the ticket and plays) ->