Tweets for 2015-08-20
- @Andy_Hogan ANDEH did you put your name on the thing where they send your name to Mars? in reply to Andy_Hogan ->
- @Andy_Hogan Well it costs a lot just to punt someone into orbit but if you need to dispose of a body well…. in reply to Andy_Hogan ->
- ahaha a thing just occurred to me about WicDiv that should have occurred to me several months ago BUT I JUST TAKE STORIES AS THEY APPEAR OK ->
- @charliesaidthat I kind of want a rootbeer float now but I think we don't have any left aaah in reply to charliesaidthat ->
- @DylanJohnSeaton Isn't the next Cap going to be either Sam Wilson or Bucky Barnes and they've already got actors for them? in reply to DylanJohnSeaton ->