Tweets for 2015-11-19
- Feels weird that it's been 7 years since my Dad passed away. That's over a fifth of my entire life. :/ ->
- In other news, there's going to be doughnuts pretty much every day at work in the first week of December but I'm not quite sure why ->
- OH WAIT. Turns out doughnuts are totally a Chanukah thing. ->
- @ahlicake Surely you could just have custard and it would be better in reply to ahlicake ->
- @tambourine for one delightful moment I thought there was a Jane Austen X-Men comic in reply to tambourine ->
Tweets for 2015-11-18
- Bless Paul Smith's little industrially reinforced trousers. @maximopark remain forever delightful ->
- RT @ememess: The end is not the end. ->
Tweets for 2015-11-17
- there are so so many really old guys here to see maximo park ->
Tweets for 2015-11-16
- @eoincmacken Is it your film The Inside just starting in a minute on the Horror Channel? in reply to eoincmacken ->
- RT @McKelvie: People who come to comic cons while sick prove how true that "I got the zombie virus but won't tell anyone" thing in movies a… ->
- @eoincmacken OR I could have waited a few minutes and right there is your face in the film. Haha ->
- RT @AndrewWK: PARTY TIP: Do not abandon hope. Do not abandon joy. ->
Tweets for 2015-11-15
- @eoincmacken How many offers of a second opinion on it have you had? in reply to eoincmacken ->
- @newloveletter You are the greatest in reply to newloveletter ->
- @ErisLovesMovies YOU DO. in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- hansel and gretallllllllll ->
- As usual I am wondering about a Hansel & Gretal: Witch Hunters/Scooby Doo crossover ->
- RT @Film4: At 11.45pm… Things are getting strange, we're starting to worry. This could be a case for Mulder and Scully.… ->
- RT @jeffnoon: A moog synth escapes and runs wild, discarding all presets and crying at the moon. Bleeping, buzzing, bipping, fizzing, hummi… ->
Tweets for 2015-11-14
- RT @HamishMThompson: Three things that struck me last night while watching the Twitter show ->
- Of my friend I can only say this…. of all the souls I have encountered on my travels, his was the most……….human. ->
- I <3 Sarek ->
- KIRK, I must have your thoughts, ->
- Sulu's cape is the greatest ->
- Weirdly I only own Star Trek: Nemesis on dvd and none of the other films. ->
- You'd think I'd have the others, since I know them word for word BUT NO. I only watch them when they are on TV. And then only freeview ahaha ->
- I do have Voyage Home on video tho ->
- And I still have a working VCR ->
Tweets for 2015-11-13
- @daniel_barker Is this like when the Pope makes an infallible statement? in reply to daniel_barker ->
- @piratemoggy Because someone is clearly having a right giggle in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy That sounds like my flight home from Malaysia in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy I…just thought it was terrible diction. Seemed better in Malay than English maybe in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy Your mission, Agent Mog, should you choose to accept it, is to find a mostly wooden airport. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy That seems like a massive oversight in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @nickmorrott: Fans of #homeopathy already calling for these proposals to be heavily watered down ->
- @piratemoggy I was thinking about this earlier in the year but I'm too old 🙁 in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy Although maybe the NHS will take me even if Anthony Nolan can't. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- One day I will figure out what is going on with my elbows ->
- @piratemoggy Think the NHS's limit is prob about 45/50 but Anthony Nolan is def 30. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy ADMITTEDLY I may be ruled out cos of my chances of developing Crohns & my immune weirdness BUT STILL I was put out. 🙁 in reply to piratemoggy ->
- Today my mum made a banana and cadbury mini egg cake because I take too long to eat Easter chocolate ->
- @piratemoggy (eep. also phew. furthermore *huggles*) in reply to piratemoggy ->
Tweets for 2015-11-11
- @charliesaidthat @piratemoggy Ahhhh it is only about 6 months till Eurovision time ahhh in reply to charliesaidthat ->
Tweets for 2015-11-09
- RT @CountVonCount: Five hundred sixty seven! ->
- @Zendarenn @eruvadhril It's probably not great that I immediately thought about a sea specifically for sex punsters in reply to Zendarenn ->
- RT @MrAdamRex: Story idea: the worst job in history is the time-traveling Secret Service tasked with preserving the timestream and protecti… ->
- @tambourine Is it Diwali yet? in reply to tambourine ->
- @FrogCroakley I dunno, when I attempt to picture Earth doing that the planet is really really huuuuuge and that's a MASSIVE distance in reply to FrogCroakley ->
- @FrogCroakley See I'd probably scale down the time, in the same way that the moving object got scaled down or something in reply to FrogCroakley ->
- @FrogCroakley And if I was my mum, standing and looking at that moving car, I'd think *I* was the one moving. in reply to FrogCroakley ->
- I still kind of wish that Monica Bellucci was 007 ->