Tweets for 2015-12-03
- RT @jeffnoon: Danny's so wired to the moment his veins pulsate with electric blood and passers-by dissolve into code. He could hack his way… ->
- RT @Dantheeditor: Fair argument can be made that with events like #SanBernadino, the NRA is a pro-terrorist organization. ->
- RT @Michael1979: Me: Bob, it's pronounced CHANGING, not a-changin'.
Bob Dylan: ?
Me: Can someone teach Bob to say CHANGE?
*David Bowie stan… -> - @hils_k @ErisLovesMovies OBSCENE in reply to hils_k ->
- RT @EldritchSwift: haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate. do not approach the gate gate gate gate gate. once every eon, it opens onto a wor… ->