Tweets for 2016-07-19
- RT @bedouinsndclsh: Waking up….come follow us ->
- RT @ChrisEvans: Before typing this, Twitter asked me in faded gray font, 'What's happening?'. I honestly don't know anymore.… ->
- for most of the year people are like "BUT RACHEL, WHY DO YOU LOVE OVERCAST COLD WEATHER?" WELL NOW YOU KNOW ->
- In other news, being too warm is making me sleep too much. WORST ->
- otoh everyone at work is finding it too hot to sleep and I'm over here like…uhhhhh ->
- Basically, I stole everyone else's ability to sleep in hot weather and I am hoarding it like a sleep dragon. Soz ->
Tweets for 2016-07-18
- RT @pomodrunkard: I love this quote from Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins so much. ->
Tweets for 2016-07-17
- You know when you just want to drink cold tea but you'd have to wait too long for your tea to get cold? That ->
- @Khoollect YES. Also perfect if you just like imagining delicious food a lot #Khoollectreads in reply to Khoollect ->
- RT @iamspacegirl: God *giggling*: They are gonna be so tiny.
Angel *writing*: ants… tiny… got it.
God *suddenly tearing up*: but omg… ->
- My local libary service's twitter is having an excellent morning. First Ryan Gosling memes, now Mills & Boon ->
- Who would have thought that I know so many kids' book titles, considering I don't spend any time with children ->
- The most exciting bit of the Proms is when they feature stuff you've performed in the past ->
- It does feel weird singing in French when you don't speak or understand French at all ->
- Like. I can see a French word written down and give a decent guess at what it means but I don't know how to pronounce the letters ->
- So essentially, I've learnt what are nonsense sounds to me ->
- @ErisLovesMovies haah I kind of wish I could but it is just the one song in french we do, so I have rote-learned the noises in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Faure's Cantique de Jean Racine in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies it's nice. v pretty in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- I recommend Faure's Requiem to you all ->
- @therealbirb I'm watching a performance of it at the Proms on tv right now.EXCITED in reply to therealbirb ->
- RT @MagicRealismBot: An innkeeper discovers that an axolotl is controlling his destiny. ->
- Just remembered that last night I dreamt I was on a special task force with Sam Wilson & Steve Rogers & then Theresa May turned up ->
- Chain Reaction is on. I LOVE CHAIN REACTION ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Moviemix in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies soz. in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @grrlinterrupted Keanu Reeves and Rachel Weisz 5eva in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- RT @MarkLittlewood: On this day in 1969, #Apollo11 had almost reached the #moon, @nytimes printed this impeccable retraction:… ->
- My local library has moved on from Ryan Gosling and Mills & Boon to Pokemon Go ->
Tweets for 2016-07-16
- I have a software engineering degree & then spent 5 years being a legal cashier so a lot of people were baffled when… ->
- …I picked a masters in religion, politics & conflict resolution for the LOLs (& cos it was at a university ok to get to from home) in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- BUT who would have thought it would make following the news in 2016 easier to handle in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- and to think I only went back to university because I was allergic to my old workplace ->
- @tambourine I want to take a bottle of tippex and remove that dude from the comic panels in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @Hello_Tailor: The spaghetti straps on Padme's dress are SO early-2000s. ->
- Ghostbusteeeerrrrrssss ->
- My mum just asked if the Hobbit was at the cinema ->
- @Hello_Tailor yesssssss. Although I was probably about 13 when I read & enjoyed them so it's been a while in reply to Hello_Tailor ->
- @budgie @cdaargh I'm going with the approximate cost of a Freddo in reply to budgie ->
- RT @chaeronaea: some dude online was like "well what if we remade all the classic WOMEN movies!!! w MEN!!!" and I'm like…. lmfao, my dude… ->
- @colderstates also Keanu Reeves is who I would have play me in the film of my life in reply to colderstates ->
- @daniel_barker sock drawer in reply to daniel_barker ->
Tweets for 2016-07-15
- RT @saladinahmed: oh my god to be on trump's ticket you have to let his initial graphically fuck your initial ->
- RT @bbcproms: As a mark of respect to the victims of the Nice tragedy, the @BBCSO opened the 2016 @BBCProms with La Marseillaise https://t.… ->
- @DarrenGoldsmith I LOVED IT. in reply to DarrenGoldsmith ->
Tweets for 2016-07-14
- Considering I stopped learning German about 16 years ago, I still remember a lot of it ->
- @rachelgeorge WAIT. Were you near my house? in reply to rachelgeorge ->
- @rachelgeorge ….near my houssssse in reply to rachelgeorge ->
- @rachelgeorge well like. 5 minutes from my house in reply to rachelgeorge ->
Tweets for 2016-07-13
- My mum is talking to my auntie about how Theresa May looks way older than her ->
- @piratemoggy I keep thinking about how Nostradamus apparently predicted the current Pope would be the last before the end of days in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy WEIRDLY reading about all the apocalyptic prophesy stuff is making me feel better about stuff. in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @piratemoggy Only the really old stuff tho. Anything from the last 50 years is out cos I read that for my Masters & WOW IS IT FULL OF WRONG in reply to herdivineshadow ->
Tweets for 2016-07-12
- @redrospective Nope, got other stuff on that sort of clashed a bit in reply to redrospective ->
- RT @brianphillips: Someone explain to me why, for the love of God, if HELEN #@$*ING MIRREN wants to drive in your movie, you don't hand-del… ->
- Today a priest said that we need more Rachels. ->
- Earlier this year I said to someone "Rachel is an excellent name for any baby" and LO their baby got named Rachel ->
- I'm working on getting my colleague to make a trip to Rachel, Nevada when she goes to Las Vegas later in the year ->
- RT @sciam: Astronomers have discovered another dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt ->
- Rachel is an excellent name for a planet ->
Tweets for 2016-07-11
- RT @jfruh: real talk: we're definitely seeing a ST:TNG "the game" scenario playing out with pokemon go right now, right ->
- RT @SophieWarnes: Heathcliff, it's me, your Cathy.
I've come home. I'm so cold!Â
Let me in-a-your window -> - RT @LibyaLiberty: Remember when the worst news coming out of the U.K. was horse meat in the IKEA meatballs? Yeah, I miss those days. ->
- RT @LibyaLiberty: "Awfu! We were consuming horse meat unknowingly! How will British society recover from this crisis? This is what rock bot… ->
- @FrogCroakley Is goat-drawn chariot an option? in reply to FrogCroakley ->
- @DHLinton y totally. sort of. in reply to DHLinton ->
- RT @Hal_Duncan: Theresa May to be played by Tilda Swinton in the movie of Britain's collapse into oh wait that's Snowpiercer isn't it? ->
- RT @haribopeep: what a time to be ALIVE ->
- RT @Pinboard: All I want is the augmented reality version of Neko Atsume ->
- RT @FrChrisJamison: St Benedict patron of Europe to new PM: Temper all things so the strong may have something to strive for and the weak… ->
Tweets for 2016-07-10
- My mum is astounded that Becker & McEnroe have aged since she last saw them on TV ->
- She doesn't remember who Pat Cash is ->
- She's also astounded that Sue Barker has gotten older too ->
- RT @BBCNewsbeat: A Pokemon Go player has found a dead body in Wyoming while searching for a Pokestop… ->
- @redrospective Murray has always been a young whippersnapper to her in reply to redrospective ->
- @AnthonySteele UK would still be in Eurovision because the UK helps to pay for it. Malta would still give us points but like… in reply to AnthonySteele ->
- @AnthonySteele …it's not as if we get that many points anyway, because we take Eurovision far less seriously & that annoys rest of Europe in reply to AnthonySteele ->
- My mum keeps falling asleep, waking up, asking if they've started yet and complaining that Wimbledon is boring ->
- Every time my mum says "Ah-ha!" at the tennis, I say "That's you" & this is only funny if you know my mum's name ->
- She keeps asking me about tennis as if I know anything about it other than I injured myself a lot playing tennis when I was younger ->
- @daniel_barker MY MUM. She doesn't really understand it, but she likes it in reply to daniel_barker ->
- My mum is getting so into Wimbledon that she's decided she's going to put a bet on next year ->
- RT @LeVostreGC: Lyve lyfe lyke Jupiter Ascendinge.
Just throwe everythinge yn
Care nat for the opiniouns of othirs.
And gyve Channing Ta… ->
- @MissPotkin I was 11, and my Dad couldn't object cos he had done his own with a needle at ~17/18 & my Mum had only done hers a year before in reply to MissPotkin ->
- RT @hesternal: Exquisite self-troll as I forget that I gave my phone the device name: ->
- @piratemoggy If I am still thinking about a risotto from last week, you could still be shouting about F1 in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @MissPotkin Mostly, I'd just had enough of ugly-looking clip on earrings in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @TimFederle: Oh no. I wanted to watch a movie to take my mind off world events for 2 hours but then I picked "Running Man."… ->
- My mum has just revealed she doesn't know how the scoring works ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I think about Bucky Barnes playing tennis mostly in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- RT @rvkgrapevine: How is Giroud getting an extra centimetre of beard between every game? Vitamins? Extensions? #Euro2016 #PORFRA #RonaldoTe… ->
- RT @BBCR1: BTW, we're running a #R1Commentary live blog especially for the #Euro2016Final: ->
- @AnnLarimer shhh in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- @piratemoggy soz in reply to piratemoggy ->
- Ok so it turns out that my 85 year old Portuguese godmother really got into football this year & she's been praying for her national team ->
- When she heard that I'd arrived on the planet, she apparently nearly jumped through the ceiling. I assume something similar happened tonight ->
- In other news, I opened the jam for my mum and apparently holding the lid & twisting the jar is wrong. BUT IT IS OPEN ISN'T IT? ->