Tweets for 2016-07-09
- @kakapojayne I worry a bit that politicians with kids will screw the rest of us over in favour of them only in reply to kakapojayne ->
- RT @Captain_Revo: Star Trek actors from two different timelines arguing over the correct canon of a character's background, is the most Sta… ->
- RT @sturdyAlex: Friend's comment: "It's like being haunted by the ghost of Margaret Thatcher and the ghost of a slightly less competent Mar… ->
- Mum: "I need to get Corona" Me: "the beer?" Mum: "No. Covonia" ->
- @sebpatrick And it's not like it's a guarantee that she'll do anything for anyone not related to her in reply to sebpatrick ->
- RT @ThomasPride: Don't know why @andrealeadsom crowing so much about bringing up kids. She had a nanny to do that for her:
#Leadsom https:… -> - @daniel_barker Is it so that in 300 years someone can put yr mummified remains on a record player to hear yr thoughts? in reply to daniel_barker ->
- RT @FrogCroakley: In one of the new BMWs; pressed the wrong button & now the chair is genuinely grabbing at my arse like a formless robotic… ->
- @grrlinterrupted YES YES I DID 😀 in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- in other news, still thinking about that asparagus risotto from last Sunday ->
- In comparison, my mum's been thinking about a truffle soup she ate on my birthday 7 years ago ->
- @sebpatrick Only way I could get it vaguely usable was to unfollow roughly half the accounts I'd been following in reply to sebpatrick ->
- @grrlinterrupted I did like the other guy too, but this is like SUPER EXCITING in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- RT @Samfr: I do like Theresa May's campaign strategy of doing nothing while all of her opponents set themselves on fire sequentially. ->
- @piratemoggy HAZEL ->
- RT @anne_theriault: TIL we fly flags at half mast when people die because THE VICTOR IS DEATH #sometal ->
- @grrlinterrupted the only tip I have is go for a calming light blue colour for bedrooms to help u sleep in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @piratemoggy WHERE IS YR NEAREST HONDA DEALER? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy I feel like this is a mission for you and mr mog tomorrow in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy sadfaaaaace. in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @edenthecat: 🎶I will walk 500 miles
And I will walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 500 miles
And caught a bulbasaur🎶 -> - RT @DarthVader: Really enjoying this new game – Jedi GO. Gotta catch them all! ->
Tweets for 2016-07-08
- @sebpatrick I only know I pre-ordered the day after I saw it in reply to sebpatrick ->
- RT @_Bankrobber_: FUN GAME: when someone tells you the name of their new baby, repeat it back to them, with their surname, and say "Like th… ->
Tweets for 2016-07-07
- Watching this thing about people who have trouble sleeping and it feels like I might have stolen everyone's good sleep ->
- RT @Claire_Phipps: Announcements the government just *had* to make while we were all watching #ChilcotReport https:… ->
- RT @ProtocoIDriven: Update from @Justice4Health_ on Imposition of #juniorcontract
#JustHealth… -> - @daniel_barker there's a memo that arrives a few days before the third secret training session in reply to daniel_barker ->
- ugh why are there no more pork pies in the fridge? ->
- well. I mean I know WHY but still ->
- @ErisLovesMovies saaandwich #TheManFromUNCLE in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies and once again I am thinking about the risotto I ate on Sunday in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies no. in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
Tweets for 2016-07-06
- RT @ruinedpicnic: me: when I was your age there was a band called Hoobastank
grandson: his mind is clearly degraded. that cannot be true. t… -> - RT @mikamckinnon: Q: ….your mission name is #OMG?!
Willis: "I worked hard to make sure that was my acronym."
Rejected name: Water Tempera… -> - @tambourine HAVE YOU seen the first episode of Columbo? 'cos that is also a Spielberg-directed thing. ->
- RT @ErisLovesMovies: Then finish it. Because I'm with you til the end of the #ChilcotsLastLine ->
- RT @Hello_Tailor: if you squeeze lemon juice onto the Chilcot Report and hold it up to a candle flame, the title page reads: "TONY BLAIR IS… ->
- TODAY at work, we had a baking competition and I ate a lot of delicious cake ->
- there was a gluten-free walnut cake with orange buttercream filling IN THE SHAPE OF AN ADDING MACHINE ->
- that is where we are at as a charity wot does a baking thing ->
- there was also a chocolate fruit "cake" which was a chocolate shell in the shape of a cupcake filled with fresh fruit ->
- ALSO ultimate cake-ception, a cake with cake pops decorating the outside AND CAKE POPS ON THE INSIDE SOMEHOW ->
- @daniel_barker I feel like he has been playing football for a million years now in reply to daniel_barker ->
- @MarkDoesStuff I am once again forever glad you are watching Star Trek in reply to MarkDoesStuff ->
- @daniel_barker this is how up to day I am on football. the last thing I read about him was probably in Bliss or Sugar about 17 years ago in reply to daniel_barker ->
- RT @ruinedpicnic: me: when I was your age there was a band called Hoobastank
Tweets for 2016-07-05
- @ErisLovesMovies <3 in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- HEY GUYS that risotto I had on Sunday was still amazing & cos my mum is a genius I have the DAY OFF today ->
- @budgie @andydiggle What about if I never got round to the animated series because it's wasn't on terrestrial tv when I could watch it? in reply to budgie ->
- @piratemoggy I am too distracted by ear defenders dude gliding across behind baby F1 dude who really needs to wash his hair in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy hehe well I think it is obvious which one of us is really into F1 & which one has a big interest in advanced hearing protection in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @FrogCroakley I want this to be the plot of that film "We Bought A Zoo" so so badly in reply to FrogCroakley ->
- RT @presentcorrect: 16th Century tube passengers. - RT @HollyShortall: Howling ->
- @steveclarkuk Maybe pass on #4. They can just mill about without any guidance. in reply to steveclarkuk ->
- RT @javierruiz: Google DeepMind uses 1m eye scans of NHS patients to train blindness algorithm. Who owns this knowledge?… ->
- RT @t_i_s_u: An ancient clock was discovered buried in the Arctic circle. As it thawed, its hands began to tick anew. Slowly the poles bega… ->
- RT @MsClaireBiddles: GREAT BRITAIN ->
- @purpill I am BAFFLED in reply to purpill ->
- RT @shoutsatcows: Andrea Leadsom wants all websites submitted to the BBFC first. That's how the Internet works http… ->
- I am STILL watching Sense8 and it is taking me so long because it is too dramatic for me to watch very often ->
Tweets for 2016-07-04
- RT @tambourine: shout out to the man in centre court dressed as a strawberry, living his best life ->
- Just remembered I have a stack of books by John Paul Lederach on peacebuilding and stuff. Yesss ->
- Since my mum managed to resist the siren call of Chinese food in Italy, obvs we had to eat it as soon as we returned ->
- Not sure if I would have picked supermarket ready-made Chinese food myself… ->
- MORE IMPORTANTLY yesterday I ate the most AMAZING asparagus risotto. IT WAS AMAZING. I will be thinking about it for weeks ->
- I saw Carmen again and the characters irritated me less this time around. Not sure if that's down to Zefirelli's direction ->
- Might have been the horses and donkeys ->
- @ErisLovesMovies ME in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies MY MUM in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies that seems like an excessive amount of running about. I nominate Quicksilver in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies FORREST GUMP in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Now I am stuck thinking about the logistics of lifting a motorcycle with 3 people on it in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies no but like… how do you wrangle it? do you need someone to steady it a bit while u lift it above your head? in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I don't think I could watch the lifting process. I would wonder about proper handling technique too much & back injury in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->