Tweets for 2016-08-21
- I have cauliflower cheese bread and it is amazn ->
- RT @fuggirls: Oh man. I suspect the announcer regretted "Steele Johnson can hang with these big boys" the second he said it. #Olympics -H ->
- My Auntie and I are watching some dude cooking on tv wearing loads of massive rings, both glad we're not eating his food ->
- She is incredulous that someone is cooking on tv with SO MUCH extra potential bacteria INFESTING everything he touches ->
- @platinumvampyr this, 5eva in reply to platinumvampyr ->
- RT @l_chelsey: Stop social network non-chronological timeline algorithms 2k16 ->
- So my mum is returning home today after having been on a cruise. ->
- Obviously I am currently tracking her flight on teh internets so I know when I should leave for the airport to pick her up in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- I've also been tracking her cruise ship all week online. Mostly because then I know whether or not to bother texting/phoning her in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- DID YOU KNOW port webcams are v. hit and miss? in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- Still trying to explain the difference between regular phone network coverage, data and wifi to my Mum. It's not easy ->
- "I've got wifi, I can phone you" "uh, no you can't. My phone is from a billion years ago and no longer does internet" in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @grrlinterrupted It is annoying because I am attempting to spot the biggest cruise ship in the world and like there's NO CAMS or something in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- RT @nicklockwood: The hardest problem in computer science is fighting the urge to solve a different, more interesting problem than the one… ->
- RT @SoVeryBritish: "I might join you later" – Meaning: You have more chance of seeing Elvis riding a unicorn today than you have of seeing… ->
- RT @LeVostreGC: A Beowulf/Hamilton crossovir
hwaet for yt ->
- @nikki mayonnaise in sandwiches is an abomination. mayonnaise is generally an abomination really in reply to nikki ->
- @JamesHunt you know, that is an excellent idea in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @grrlinterrupted dude, I was just in short stay there and only paid £7 O_o ->
- RT @scottEweinberg: Just saw a T-shirt that says "Yeah but Sebastian Stan though." (@WizardWorld) ->
- RT @NerdGerhl: OK hold up I'm EXTREMELY INTERESTED in the pedagogical context in which the secular, multi species Federation teaches mythol… ->