Tweets for 2016-10-30
- RT @DHLinton: The thing that's bothering me about the last ep of #BlackMirror is that the beebots aren't called Autonomous Pollinating Inse… ->
- @JamesHunt Mostly I've been imagining the drink when I see your Halloween name in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @JamesHunt yeah it's a chocolate malt drink – can be hot or cold. Or like my mum, you can put the powder in omelettes :/ in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @JamesHunt yeah. the drink is nice tho! in reply to JamesHunt ->
Tweets for 2016-10-29
- RT @AFI: AFI (The Blood Album) will be released January 20, 2017. Pre-order available now: ->
- RT @spacetwinks: the prince: belle… you've cured me!
belle: yes! and you can change back and forth now, right
prince: no
belle… ->
- So… you can't actually upload photos on the official windows 10 instagram app…? ->
- RT @London_Geekfest: Are you a bookkeeper? Do you know a bookkeeper? We want to pay you to do our books: (RTs welco… ->
- Wooo bought fireworks, even tho it remains a bit odd to celebrate fireworks night ->
- RT @fangirlJeanne: "Then I held my boobs to my chest and ran for my life." How to write a big-breasted women in action. ->
- @grrlinterrupted Oh it was a pilgrimage with a church group 😀 in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Keep seeing adverts for Arrival and v tempted to see it again ->
- @OllieMogs that film is a delight in reply to OllieMogs ->
- @smartmatt It's Diwali in reply to smartmatt ->
Tweets for 2016-10-28
- So I went to Poland. What's up with everyone else? ->
- My mum has just said "I better check there are no spiders in the bed" ->
- Earlier she was concerned about spiders in the kettle ->
- RT @QuietPineTrees: We couldn't find aliens because they were cowards. They found the corners of the galaxy where time flowed slowly, and t… ->
- @grrlinterrupted It was! in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @grrlinterrupted Krakow and Czestochowa! in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Anyway. AFI omg ->
- @therealbirb that is like the opposite of a job that should be suggested for you in reply to therealbirb ->
Tweets for 2016-10-23
- @FrogCroakley I have only ever put oats on my face, not in my belly. if oat biscuits go with ham tho… in reply to FrogCroakley ->
- RT @Independent: 'Jessica Jones' hires all female directors for season two ->
- RT @joejwest: COP: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea
SUSPECT: Is it bring your kid to work day?
LITTLE GIRL: [slams fist on desk] Answ… -> - RT @au_idea_bot: Character A is a dryad and B is a lumberjack au ->
- @adjaruli I ALWAYS wonder about this in reply to adjaruli ->
- Basically I could do with like… a week off ->
- RT @QuietPineTrees: Sleep was popular among civilizations that learned it from humans. It was the final word for alien thrill-seekers, to g… ->
Tweets for 2016-10-22
- Watching this thing about Singaporean hawkers food and OF COURSE it is the chicken rice guy with the Michelin star ->
- There is a Malaysian cafe/restaurant in Chinatown and every time I go there, even tho there's loads on the menu, I have chicken rice ->
- Chicken rice is the greatest dish known to humankind ->
- There's another Malaysian restaurant down the road from where I go and they do chicken rice SO BADLY ->
- Like. I am basically never eating there again because they got it wrong ->
- WHO makes chicken rice with DRY CHICKEN and NO SOUP. LIKE WHO ->
- Chicken and rice are two of the few words I know in Malay also. Just in case the sign isn't in English (it's usually in English) ->
- Mum says Hitchcock's "No Tor Rye Us" is on and asks if she's seen it already. ->
- RT @WorkaholicBlake: These iPhone cases are getting out of hand ->
- RT @wilw: "The password is hardcoded into the firmware, and the tools necessary to disable it are not present." OMFG.… ->
- @RonniPudding well the soup is in a bowl, but the chicken is supposed to be like… slick? on the inside a bit, rather than moist/dry in reply to RonniPudding ->
- @FrogCroakley of course. is it oats porridge or rice porridge? cos rice porridge with various meats & offal is already a thing called congee in reply to FrogCroakley ->
- RT @Lucy_Worsley: Everyone in Kolkata: we had another British historian here.
Me: (resignedly) Was he very tall?
Everyone: YES. That's the… -> - RT @London_Geekfest: Oh hey would you like to help run Nine Worlds next year? We have management roles up for grabs:… ->
- RT @kateejamieson: Trafalgar Day. Not many know that Nelson was 5'6" in real life. His statue in Trafalgar Square is 17'4".
That's a Hora… ->
- AFI THO ->
Tweets for 2016-10-21
- RT @ericuman: Google long-promised to keep records of all our browsing habits separate from our actual names.
Until it didn't.
- @Oog but…. the colours in reply to Oog ->
- RT @davidehrlich: casting Donald Glover in a Star Wars movie is a really good 1st step towards putting the entire cast of MAGIC MIKE XXL in… ->
- RT @ericuman: Google long-promised to keep records of all our browsing habits separate from our actual names.
Tweets for 2016-10-20
Tweets for 2016-10-19
- Yesss my copy of Feeding Hannibal arrived today ->
- RT @SciFiNow: We talked to the great @FeedingHannibal about her #Hannibal cookbook, Fannibals and trying to replicate a human leg! https://… ->
- @platinumvampyr "peeps" which…is a bit audience dependant. "folks" is another. I like to say "laters potat-ers" when leaving a crowd in reply to platinumvampyr ->
- @budgie Other than the time, watching would stress me out too much. Better to read about it in small chunks later in reply to budgie ->
- RT @RileyRedgate: find somebody who looks at you the way you used to look at the scholastic book fair catalog ->
- RT @arrivalmovie: Can she trust her own mind? #WhyAreTheyHere ->
- @DHLinton I bet Mary must have had one of these so the Lord knew when to send Gabriel down with the good news in reply to DHLinton ->
- RT @angryasianman: 26 Things Asian Americans Secretly Google: ->
Tweets for 2016-10-18
- RT @MagicRealismBot: Three nuns invent a world where everything is egg-shaped. ->
- @anatsuno peppercorn rents where actual peppercorns are involve forever delight me in reply to anatsuno ->
- RT @vpinoncely: You could save £450k on house by commuting 2h per day – what about the social and health costs of commuting though? https:/… ->
- RT @BenMorse: Complete list of men who can get away with roll necks: Stanley Tucci, Jason Statham. That's it. The rest of you look like hip… ->
- So today my mum was all "LET'S GO TO THE CINEMA" as if I've not been to the cinema 7 days out of the last 10 ->
- RT @presentcorrect: This Halloween try bobbing for apples in a mixture of 1 bottle of Gin to 3 bottles of tonic.
(adjust to taste) ->
- RT @MoonCat666: Possibly the saddest, most heart breaking "This exhibit is currently out of order" sign ever!! ->
- RT @i_zzzzzz: Maybe if millennials spent less on brunch and more on particle physics research they could travel to 1974 and afford a house.… ->
- @OllieMogs *hugs* in reply to OllieMogs ->
- It looks like my Mum's accidentally turned on audio descriptions for whatever soap she's watching ->
- RT @AFI: ->
- @JamesHunt How many are there? in reply to JamesHunt ->
Tweets for 2016-10-17
- RT @BFI: .@dorabyjemma shares her unmissable pick from the #LFF Journey strand: White Colour Black #ProgrammersPick… ->
- @JamesHunt @cjlines is this like how that one Constantine novel considers the Keanu film to be an AU existing in a dream? in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @AnnLarimer it was more "but I'm nowhere near Wembley" for me in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- #LFF is done. I got through the last two films without coughing too much by taking antihistamines to CRUSH all the mucus ->
- Back to generating unholy amounts of gross slime tomorrow I guess ->
- I guess one of the problems I have is that I'm allergic to newspapers and the Underground is RIDDLED with them ->
- I guess maybe I'll be less slimy because I won't be around a billion newspapers…maybe… ->
- I miss reading newspapers ->
- RT @tigersgoroooar: boil some fucking lemons you tired idiot. ->
- re LRT I… have been boiling lemon skin with brown sugar for the last few days as a plague remedy 😀 ->
- RT @AcademiaObscura: Doing a literature review. | @buddedited ->
- Olive oil on brussels sprouts :/ ->
- RT @TlfTravelAlerts: There is a good service at present. And yet…and yet the skies portend unrest. The buses are nervous. Delays are poss… ->
- RT @AFI: ->
- Like u guys, I love Star Trek and Marvel and all. BUT AFI OMG ->
- AFI ->
- (ok I have loved Star Trek since before I could tell the time but this is different a bit) ->
- omggggg AFI ->
- @cjlines I ended up just going for something warm and waterproof and gave up my "if I needed a winter coat in the matrix" aesthetic in reply to cjlines ->
- @cjlines WELL I like this one but it is 40% wool and who knows if it is warm there are no reviews in reply to cjlines ->
- @cjlines the other problem is that coat is slike 3 times too expensive for anything I would ever buy in reply to cjlines ->
- @cjlines (also, it is probably too big for me, being a dude's coat) in reply to cjlines ->
- @cjlines there is nothing wrong with that as a stylistic choice in reply to cjlines ->
- @cjlines wait, unless you ARE a pervy vampire and that is when you'd want to conceal yr identity from yr lunch in reply to cjlines ->
- @cjlines this one claims to be stylish in the description in reply to cjlines ->
- AFI you guys. AFI ->
- @cjlines military is the next best style after "from the future" in reply to cjlines ->