Tweets for 2018-06-28
- @HSouthwellFE I do not exactly know about "horny summer jams" or French but I have been enjoying this: in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
Tweets for 2018-06-27
- My mum's on the phone to one of her friends, asking why they don't have a world cup wall chart like she has ->
- In fairness, its because they don't have me as their daughter with the foresight to pick up the free one at the supermarket a few weeks ago in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @kathrynschulz: It took all afternoon, but I finally remembered that despair is a mortal sin and a waste of time. ->
- RT @kyvbey: Nothing but respect for people who are brave enough to sleep on top of their duvet in warm weather because I’d rather roast to… ->
Tweets for 2018-06-26
- Do you remember when you joined Twitter? I don't lol! #MyTwitterAnniversary ->
- @damianjohnson Maybe I egged you on you do it? in reply to damianjohnson ->
- RT @justabloodygame: There are two kinds of insane rich men. ->
- @elhofferdesign Yaaaaaay in reply to elhofferdesign ->
- RT @BBCR1: "mustgofastermustgofaster"
Did you spot this subtle connection between Jeff Goldblum's Jurassic Park and Independence Day chara… ->
- RT @teh_nos: i hope 13 is really chill about being a lady now and doesn't care and then she realises her trousers have no pockets and yells… ->
Tweets for 2018-06-25
- @HSouthwellFE My Mum has this problem with most superhero films in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- RT @TechnicallyRon: It's really helpful when people from other countries say IT CAN'T BE THAT BAD IN ENGLAND IT'S ONLY 28 DEGREES yeah than… ->
Tweets for 2018-06-24
- RT @Kav_Kaushik: Me: online dating is the best place to meet your soul mate! You weed out all the people at a bar you might not be interest… ->
- RT @goldilocksrocks: When someone you don’t know joins your twitter convo #worldcup #ENGPAN ->
- RT @DVDSmith: Fun thing to do today: go on Twitter and search for people supporting England by tweeting the flag of Georgia. #ENGPAN https:… ->
- Tunisia? ->
- RT @krfabian: Me as a fanfic reader: "Oh my god, this fic is amazing, I hope the author has written fifteen million for the same character/… ->
- RT @Cwossie: My naym is snek
My body long
My hed is smol
But jaw is stronkAnd wen it time
To get me fed
I open wideI monch the bred htt… ->
- RT @moseleycrussell: Never thought I would say this, but @rvkgrapevine #Eng twitter commentary is better than their #ISL tweets. I've laugh… ->
- @sebpatrick My Mum's put in a request that we come second, because she's busy on 2nd July in reply to sebpatrick ->
- My mum keeps consulting her world cup wall chart ->
- RT @kevinwada: Throw back Saturday.
Nat and Buck getting that summer bod. -> - "it looks more like a lime green card" ->
- Bill & Ted is on itv4 and it is still great ->
- I like how Bill knows about Moby Dick ->
- And also how optimistic Bill & Ted are about how their fellow townsfolk know about history ->
- @daniel_barker if i'm not watching an ITV game on the tv downstairs, I end up just listening to the radio commentary because ITV hub is grr in reply to daniel_barker ->
- various neighbours have had their bbqs fired up since about 1pm and they have not brought me food and this is terrible ->
- RT @SketchesbyBoze: girls don’t want boys, girls want a pet Nazgul and skirts with pockets and a sword from a lake and to solve a murder on… ->
- @damianjohnson did they bring you food? in reply to damianjohnson ->
Tweets for 2018-06-23
- RT @SirEviscerate: RIP Koko, you lyin' ass beautiful ape. ->
- RT @blowdart: This is not a good look for FileZilla ->
- RT @Botanygeek: On a scale of 1 to 10 how successful do you think this plan will be? 😂
- RT @meemalee: And actually this was my main motivation in getting my eyes lasered – the worry that I’d lose or break my glasses early on du… ->
- Ugh I slept in a weird position the other night and I think I need to go get needles shoved into me and electric current passed through them ->
- or like, some other method of fixing my chi in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- Anyway, Mum and I went to see Ocean's 8 at 10:25am, so that she wouldn't miss any of the World Cup. Ocean's 8 was g… ->
- We literally arrived home, while listening to the game on the radio and SHE TURNED IT OFF JUUUST AS TUNISIA SCORED THE LAST GOAL in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @aallan: "…a European aircraft maker that said it cleans the cockpits of its planes every week of malware designed for Android phones. T… ->
Tweets for 2018-06-20
- @McKelvie Same. I have a weird feeling I have it on VHS though… in reply to McKelvie ->
- Lol every time my mum goes into the other room, something happens on the pitch ->
- RT @dannolan: lmao hard at this ad industry propaganda cartoon bs ->
- RT @BeccaEHarrison: Raging so hard. Pitched article to @guardian on gender + film criticism on Sunday. They accepted; I was delighted. File… ->
- RT @BeccaEHarrison: To add to the misery, the piece they ran doesn't cite a single woman ->
- @budgie For a long time, I only knew it wasn't the same as my mum's in reply to budgie ->
Tweets for 2018-06-18
- RT @nerdyasians: 4 asian superheroes
3 minutes of combined dialogue
2 never referred to by name
1 major problem -> - So Mum is watching the football and just asked if the guy on the floor is dead ->
- RT @stingrae1985: Modern knots of the @RoyalNavy!
Good one for the @SeaCadetsUK
- @AnnLarimer I don't think he is… in reply to AnnLarimer ->
- RT @rvkgrapevine: Half time: the lords of #ENG take out their handkerchiefs and mop their brows, retiring to the dressing room for a game o… ->
- RT @kashanacauley: “Let’s spell immigration in a way that emphasizes how much we know about the issue.† ->
- RT @fuggirls: I am watching #englandvstunisia on DVR and am behind BUT while you all are enjoying halftime or whatever, please check out th… ->
- @HSouthwellFE I feel like I only understand this cos I have the terrible habit of waiting until I am driving on fum… in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @tambourine I should send this to my friends who keep sending me boxes via text in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @davidclewis: ‘He who smelt it, dealt it’
‘He who said the rhyme, did the crime’ ->
- @tambourine in reply to tambourine ->
- @tambourine The line is too hi-tech in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @PigeonJon: It is My Job to mark Harry Kane at Corners. ->
- Hahaha I can hear both my mum upstairs and my next door neighbor cheering ->
- RT @nerdyasians: 4 asian superheroes
Tweets for 2018-06-17
- Today I am mostly thinking about prawn cocktail ->
- Also now been instructed to google Greek salad and stuffing stuffed mushrooms ->
- Mum's just asked me if half an onion is enough, knowing full well that I'm weird about onions ->
- RT @TheAncientWorld: When you ask @warrenellis to name your city… ->
- @Gulon I am not entirely sure what you've won other than "computer stuff" but YAAAAAAAY congratulations in reply to Gulon ->
- @The_Ladylark I feel like a few people probably thought he would be like Tony Stark in reply to The_Ladylark ->
- Father's Day remains deeply strange, but at least now all the cards and stuff that have filled the shops for what f… ->
Tweets for 2018-06-16
- Mum's wondering what this "Scottish time" is ->
- RT @DavidHartrick: If we’d have had a Max Headroom signal intrusion there this would automatically be the best World Cup ever. ->
- The funniest thing is that aside from that first Russia-Saudi Arabia match, my mum has missed every goal in every game she's watched ->
- RT @MarcEllerby: "Millennials dare to put the kettle on rather than placing a mug of water out in the sun instead of saving for a deposit"… ->
- @daniel_barker what are yr thoughts on The Land Before Time? in reply to daniel_barker ->
- Why don't the commentators refer to the Icelandic players by their given names? ->
- I am sure people down the street can hear my mum cheering for Iceland ->
- @daniel_barker in reply to daniel_barker ->
- @mrtonylee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay in reply to mrtonylee ->
- RT @A_single_bear: Good things about being a bear:
-Nobody can tell you that you are not a bear
-And if someone does say you are not a bear… -> - My mum keeps forgetting which one is Messi ->
- "they don't know how to do crooked balls" ->
- RT @kaysarahsera: IHOB:
Have eaten the plums that were in the iceb—
Ox & which u were probably saving for
Breakfast -> - @sebpatrick I would watch steampunk football in reply to sebpatrick ->
- RT @HelenLOHara: Edward Fox’s theatre programme bio is excellent. ->
- RT @rvkgrapevine: WHO REFS THE REF?
- I mean, I wouldn't have been born cos my Mum would have died a couple of months before I was conceived. ->
- RT @MrsFridayNext: Things these reminders NEVER make me think: Oh dope gotta get me that mobile app!
Things these reminders ALWAYS make me… -> - RT @noneconomical: the most successful people I’ve met:
1) shalt be kings hereafter
2) see daggers before them
3) murdered sleep
4) with f… ->