Tweets for 2019-03-18
- @hauntologies if you ever need something that requires one, let me know. my last university let me keep mine in reply to hauntologies ->
- Anyway last week I managed to boggle my colleague's mind with the fact that I learnt to type on an actualfax typewriter when I was sm0l ->
- My parents got me a plastic typewriter because I was too little to carry my mum's entirely metal one about and a bo… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- But like, what did I even have to type? I didn't actually use the typewriter to write to anyone. I just did the exercises in the book over. in reply to herdivineshadow ->
Tweets for 2019-03-17
- literally just realised that there's gonna be Captain Marvel stuff at the disney store ->
Tweets for 2019-03-12
- RT @scrapegroat: Everyone born in the UK before 1987 thinks Lucozade is medicine please retweet this is a nostalgia account now ->
- RT @mrmarksteel: As a staunch Republican, I wonder whether it might be best, just this once, if the Queen takes over. ->
Tweets for 2019-03-10
- Anyway the film where Henry Cavill eats a sandwich really well is on ->
- RT @sannewman: When you subtweet someone and they fave the subtweet and you're like, "Was that a passive-aggressive subfave of my subtweet?" ->
- RT @ErisLovesMovies: They should have brought this back so #HenryCavill could win it for the sandwich he ate so magnificently in #TheManFro… ->
- I also like the bit with David Beckham in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @EnlightBystand I figure there's loads more video of young SLJ than Gregg for them to reference from in reply to EnlightBystand ->
Tweets for 2019-03-09
- RT @porridgebrain: There is something so comforting about wrapping yourself up in a scarf that smells of yesterday's perfume. It's like fee… ->
- @nikki I know I usually picture Mary Elizabeth Winstead, when I hear Brie Larson's name in reply to nikki ->
- The house smells of nutella biscuits ->
- …which my mum is making for my godson's birthday party. I, of course, have gone with making a blue jelly with str… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- Of course my x-ray appointment is on the one most inconvenient day in my diary for the next 3 months ->
- Anyway, Captain Marvel was great PLUS my local cinema seems to have got rid of its ridic prices ->
- in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- Can't really see how sparkly it is in the photo though in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @RockLordsRock didn't need to, you can just buy blue glitter jelly in the shop 😀 in reply to RockLordsRock ->
- @RockLordsRock turns out this is the only jelly I can get in my local shop if I want it to be vegetarian/halal in reply to RockLordsRock ->
Tweets for 2019-03-08
- Ready to go see @captainmarvel with my mum. ->
I’ve been asked to share this call to save buttons from landfill. Please RT!
Brown & Co Buttons (a… ->
Tweets for 2019-03-03
- According to my Mum, "Wind Freda" is coming. :/ ->
- RT @jeremyburge: For years Facebook claimed the adding a phone number for 2FA was only for security. Now it can be searched and there's no… ->
- @daniel_barker Muuuuuuute. Or just like OUTRIGHT BLOCK. in reply to daniel_barker ->
- RT @MagicWeather: A greater storm is coming tonight. Do not fear the wind and snow. Fear the silence after. ->
- @tambourine I know this feel. but also, I'm too old for the railcard. The old person's railcard better not need a s… in reply to tambourine ->
- RT @chordbug: ☠️ CURSED CSS TIP: ☠️
whatever this bullshit is ->
Tweets for 2019-03-02
- @grrlinterrupted Oh noooooo. Mine arrived and it is great. Totally recommend in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- Ok. I have settled on an Easter one cos his birthday is the first Sunday of Lent and a dinosaur one cos Jesus made… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- YET. in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- RT @Otter_News: Water sausage pulls off the near impossible cylindrical 360 aqua zoomie!!! ->
Tweets for 2019-03-01
- @StephK1925 Only saw this now, hope you had a good time last night! In the end I emailed Islington Assembly Hall an… in reply to StephK1925 ->
- Remembered I had wrist braces from that time I thought skateboarding was a good idea (but also cautiously kitted my… ->
- Anyway, what I want is a Jesus colouring book for my godson but I don't like the options on Amazon. ->
Tweets for 2019-02-28
- @StephK1925 @Islington_AH @AsgeirMusic I was wondering about this too! in reply to StephK1925 ->