Tweets for 2020-02-27
- @hauntologies I'm surprised he doesn't constantly have some sort of lurgy since he's constantly hanging out with millions of people in reply to hauntologies ->
- @hauntologies constantly constantly constantly
basically, he hangs out with so many people that I'm one of them in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- The main problem with understanding a little bit of a number of languages is that ACTUAL understanding is juuuust o… ->
- RT @emotionlocation: judge! at the laboratory ->
- @grrlinterrupted <3 in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- @tambourine ok this is like 2 days later but this was just there in janetter unread and I'm scrolling towards newer stuff but YES in reply to tambourine ->
- Once again scuppered by the previous secretary of the club not passing on all of the documentation and also by them being dead ->
- We will ignore the part where I have been the secretary for over 10 years now in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- I just liked “Jay Malinowski, Iceland†on #Vimeo: ->