Tweets for 2020-06-26
- RT @amirulruslan: In international journalism, I am willing to say the single most tired Southeast Asian reporting cliche is that of DURIAN… ->
- Look ARE DURIANS REALLY THAT DIFFICULT TO OPEN if I managed it with a spoon and a table knife? ->
- RT @bigfinish: RASSILON RETURNS! @RCArmitage joins the world of #DoctorWho as Gallifrey: Time War comes to its epic conclusion. Click here:… ->
- RT @lucitelu: All that clapping. All those NHS badges. Performative nonsense. ->
- RT @stevevsninjas: YOU WANT THE MESSIAH?!
- Glaring inaccuracy in the Eurovision film where they have more than 6 people on stage omg ->
- @RatsEveryHour @teh_nos :O in reply to RatsEveryHour ->
- RT @BerrakBiz: It's only Cancel Culture if it originates in the Cancelle region of France.
Otherwise, it's just sparkling consequences. ->
- RT @JimMFelton: Weird how if you defend to the death a senior advisor who floored it to Durham whilst he had coronavirus during the peak of… ->