Tweets for 2020-07-11
- @HSouthwellFE lolololol yessss in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @grrlinterrupted *HUGHUG* not sure there is anything you can say or do to make him be nice in reply to grrlinterrupted ->
- RT @existentialcoms: The real torture wasn't that Sisyphus has to roll the rock up the hill for eternity, it was that Zeus kept telling him… ->
- RT @BrettBlackman: this is an erica appreciation tweet
if you don't know about her, you should -> - @BrettBlackman YESSSSSSSSS CONSISTENTLY AWESOME in reply to BrettBlackman ->
- RT @GeoffThorne: starfleet's single flaw.
it has no Arts division.
i am not joking. ->
- RT @abidickson01: a coke from a bottle, a can & mcdonalds are 3 different drinks ->