Tweets for 2020-08-02
- RT @ericaofanderson: I had the honor to animate a piece for the Denver clock tower that will displayed through the whole month of August!… ->
- RT @salu1292: Actually present in medieval Europe: diverse races, ethnicities, genders, and sexualities; disabilities; independent women
N… ->
- RT @sins2hell: To everyone who thinks Tumblr has always had weird overblown drama:
You are wrong. It's always been in fandom. Fandom is jus… -> - My drama iz pastede on yay ->
- @Kavey Send a photo to their customer service email? I know there's no way I'd be toting back rotten food to a store – ew 🙁 in reply to Kavey ->
- RT @bencrystal: What You Will
"A virtual site-specific adventure across the globe
Every visitor may choose which character to visit with,… ->
- Whoever is working the smartphone to livestream Mass today clearly has a tiny child who knows the words to the prayers and it's adorable ->
- RT @CCockburn2: The British Library has now finished digitising all of our Matthew Paris maps! My latest blogpost for @BLMedieval explores… ->
- Uggghhhhh so many terrible coughing noises on the Mass livestream ->
- @david_whitney I feel like…she could just live on her own and she'd be happier in reply to david_whitney ->
- @david_whitney Yaaay Happy Hair Dye Day! in reply to david_whitney ->
- @understood This is great 😀 in reply to understood ->
- RT @understood: Oh jeez negative space people argh ->
- RT @rfrosencrans: Much rhetoric around obesity as a critical pre-existing condition for Covid-19.
A key lesson from H1N1 epidemic: meta a… ->
- @tambourine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in reply to tambourine ->
- @JamesHunt I wonder where my Star Wars ones are in reply to JamesHunt ->
- RT @EffusiveBooks: Ok, here we go: The next ten tweets in this thread are our retelling of Virgil's epic poem The Aeneid (also known as: Vi… ->
- @not_excitable Just my parish church's facebook live one – there are a bunch from my diocese here:… in reply to not_excitable ->
- RT @scullyxf: ->
- RT @jlukeroberts: If I invented an instrument called a "quietloud" because it could be quiet and loud I'd be furious if everyone called it… ->
- @rsurragegeorge ->
- @JamesHunt @sebpatrick So sorry to hear this 🙁 <3 to you all in reply to JamesHunt ->
- @DeathBoy Not sure if mynoise has an app, but I am really enjoying their flying fortress generator in reply to DeathBoy ->
- @DeathBoy yesssssss the Data Centre one is so good in reply to DeathBoy ->