Tweets for 2020-11-14
- RT @AlexanderSims: UK businesses with customer car parks, please check out @ZeroCarbonWorld link below if you are interested in getting sim… ->
- @HSouthwellFE I would hope there are no boys driving because do you not have to be an adult to do this now? in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @stansasnark @HSouthwellFE imagine being 38 and apparently living your best life??? cannot imagine tbh in reply to stansasnark ->
- @david_whitney Not just for developers! I feel like a lot of this applies to every job that has a lot of meetings.… in reply to david_whitney ->
- @david_whitney (I am the designated boring webinar attendee, because I can pay attention and report back on boring… in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @david_whitney That's EXACTLY the time when you put in a bunch of private meetings in your diary – when you have im… in reply to david_whitney ->
- @david_whitney The funny thing is the other day in our weekly office meeting, our CEO was saying that he really nee… in reply to david_whitney ->
- @GingiesMom I know global pandemic and all, but like… I also don't get other people just not respecting that you… in reply to GingiesMom ->
- @david_whitney :O
Why would anyone not rinse the conditioner out with clean water???????????
I finally finished t… in reply to david_whitney ->
- RT @tef_ebooks: as promised, here's the two crows i saw lying in the grass, just messing around ->