Tweets for 2020-12-30
- @JamesHunt JESUS HAS BARELY HATCHED in reply to JamesHunt ->
- RT @aubreybell: I love hitting a paywall and being like "guess we'll never know" ->
- @kakapojayne SAME. I went thinking "ok, well, the matinee will have older people in the audience and maybe they wil… in reply to kakapojayne ->
- RT @TechnicallyRon: "We have to open the schools for the benefit of young people's mental health"
"Ok so are you going to put the resources… -> - RT @MaireTNC: I’m not eloquent enough to phrase this properly but can we stop the whataboutery?! Gyms, golf, restaurants and so on and just… ->
- @HoustonMargaret @pearlylondon The other amazing lifehack is just to buy a birthday cake WHENEVER YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!… in reply to HoustonMargaret ->