Tweets for 2021-01-23
- @HSouthwellFE :O in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @adjaruli I want to make a horology joke in reply to adjaruli ->
- RT @scullyxf: ->
- RT @ChrisHewitt: Secret Cinema can absolutely get in the bin. And that bin can then get down a well. And that well can then get in the sea.… ->
- @adjaruli <3 in reply to adjaruli ->
- is it gifts in will marketing season or is it just that a lot of people are dying? ->
- @teh_nos time travel in reply to teh_nos ->
- RT @rainbowslinky: uh did anyone have “nickelback turns their own song rockstar into a sea shanty and frankly it’s really good†on their 20… ->
- @tambourine I only ever get the government mandated adverts on web spotify in reply to tambourine ->
- It me ->
- Admittedly, it me whenever I don't have to see customers/supporters/etc face to face for enough time in reply to herdivineshadow ->