Tweets for 2022-10-16
- Reading a recipe book and it looks like there are 3 typos (well, 1 might be intentionally duplicated text, can't te… ->
- Stuff like this is why I didn't read my own dissertation after it was printed and bound. in reply to herdivineshadow ->
- @Alawston And then once you've done the re-edit, you'll open one of the books to a random page and discover a typo still there! in reply to Alawston ->
- @HSouthwellFE 😻 she is a giant cute rissois de camarao in reply to HSouthwellFE ->
- @zephyrflora …so long as it's not got charcoal in it for the colour, I would eat it – it'd go well with apple sauce probably in reply to zephyrflora ->
Tweets for 2022-10-15
- At that stage where I do want to see this film, but are the seats in the ICA more uncomfortable than I want to see the film ->