• mastodon

    Formula E Teams as Biscuits

    You might have expected pink wafers to make an appearance, but in reality the classic party ring is the only biscuit that fits a team whose mascot Mo is the life and soul of any shindig.

  • mastodon

    Formula E Teams as Biscuits

    You might have expected pink wafers to make an appearance, but in reality the classic party ring is the only biscuit that fits a team whose mascot Mo is the life and soul of any shindig.

  • mastodon

    Formula E Teams as Biscuits

    I realise that these are not papaya or even orange-flavoured biscuits, but ginger nuts are that papaya-orange colour in their souls and you can’t tell me otherwise.
    And I guess the wrapper is too.

  • mastodon

    Formula E Teams as Biscuits

    This only counts if there really are Danish butter cookies inside the blue tin. All bets are off if it turns out to be bobbins.

  • mastodon

    Formula E Teams as Biscuits

    Is it a chocolate digestive wrapped in foil, or is it merely an AI-generated simulacrum of a biscuit? We shall never know.

  • mastodon

    Formula E Teams as Biscuits

    It’s a bit of a cop-out – pairing a black and white car with a black and white biscuit like an Oreo, but it worked matching Venturi to Oreo doughnuts in season 7 and it’ll work with Jaguar now.

  • mastodon

    Formula E Teams as Biscuits

    With Lunar New Year just aroundd the corner, the traditional Nyonya kuih kapit or “love letters” are not only seasonally appropriate but also kind of look a bit like the ERT car.

  • mastodon

    Formula E Teams as Biscuits

    So I realise that the biscuit itself isn’t green, but I don’t suppose the innards of Envision Racing’s car are green either.
    Anyway, both are minty fresh.

  • mastodon

    Formula E Teams as Biscuits

    There’s just something about the diamond pattern on the outside of a custard cream that vibes with the geometric livery of DS Penske.
    The humble biscuit tin would be incomplete without them.

  • mastodon

    Formula E Teams as Biscuits

    Not to pour struggles on top of any existing struggles, but if I found myself waiting for a flight at the gate opposite Jake Dennis then I feel like only the classic Jammie Dodger could solve my imminent problems.