• mastodon

    Doctor Who speculation spoilers

    So I’ve seen the film Predestination and like, that’s Ruby leaving herself at the church right?

  • mastodon

    Starting to think about my annual round up of new films I saw this year and I don’t think I saw any I didn’t enjoy a decent amount, even though I saw maybe half the number of new films I typically watch.

  • mastodon

    Anyway I have been pondering the topic since the end of last season and I think I have settled on my season 10 “Formula E teams as X” foodstuff.

  • mastodon

    No doubt this is irritating to anyone within earshot, but when I am too warm (like now) I can be heard saying


    at regular intervals.
    Maybe it helps me cool down? We just don’t know.

  • mastodon

    Last gig of the year attended (Sleep Token on Saturday night), and sure, I do already have some in my diary for 2024 but it’s that point in the year where the calendar is looking too empty for my taste

  • mastodon

    Once again my calendar telling me it’s someone’s birthday but can I find the contact in my MSN/Skype/Hotmail merged address book with this birthday? No.

    And like, the wild thing is that I DO know a Daniel whose birthday is tomorrow but I was at primary school with him, so the birth year the recurring calendar entry isn’t the right one for him.

  • mastodon

    I mean, without the aid of satellite navigation, how else would you do it when driving alone?*

    These thoughts also brought by the memory of my Dad consulting the road atlas before long journeys.

    * We shall ignore that time the other week where the road was closed on the way TO work and I just sat in the traffic for a minute before picking a new direction and driving on vibes (I was only half an hour late in the end which was nice esp since it’d have taken longer to go home).

  • mastodon

    So the road on a big chunk of my journey home was closed and, since I don’t have a smart phone, I slapped my journey into some online route planner before I left work and just like… memorised the journey but now I’m once again thinking about how I know a lot of my colleagues don’t get how I can just remember??? the map??

    I suppose I could have printed it out but I feel like there’s no point since I go home in the dark and how am I meant to consult a map while driving?

  • mastodon

    It’s one of those days where I am searching my council’s website to figure out which bin goes out