Tweets for 2014-12-10
December 11, 2014
- RT @holly_astral: Making enchiladas with purple tortillas is 136% more goth than regular tortillas. ->
- RT @anatsuno: “Amazon assumed that fanfic writers wanted a marketplace, when what they love most is a no-rules playground.†… ->
- RT @tomscott: New video! Do the numbers on toaster dials mean minutes? ->
- RT @elmo: Elmo loves Mr. @michaelbuble! He's one of the nicest friends Elmo has! Hi Mr. Michael! Look at us in our suits!… ->
- I do not remember the walls ever being that colour but otoh I do actually remember my dad wallpapering the room ->
- AND LIKE I remember the cushion on the right but not the one on the left ->
- I didn't get proper eyebrows till I was about 4 ->
- It is actually kind of weird that my Dad is in these photos cos he was usually the one holding the camera. ->
- ALSO my Nanna knitted those booties. That was probably the start of me forever refusing to wear uncomfortable shoes ->
- I mean, when you've had custom knitted footwear, it is pretty difficult to go back to anything less than awesome ->
- My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Frank Turner (10), Death Cab for Cutie (7) & Jay Malinowski & The Deadcoast (4) ->
Tweets for 2014-12-09