
Tweets for 2014-12-30

  • One of my favourite things over Christmas has been folks on the tumbls and the twitters watching superhero films with their mums ->
  • @SimonStirrat The curtains aren't very good really I guess. They like to use the min fabric to be adequate in reply to SimonStirrat ->
  • @SimonStirrat I am curious about the male fitting room etiquette – do guys hop in and out to invite opinion on the thing they are trying? in reply to SimonStirrat ->
  • Mum's watching The Horse Whisperer cos Redford is "very handsome" – seems like a good reason to get her to see Winter Soldier again ->
  • RT @McKelvie: Crossrail: let's demolish the London that we want to bring people into! ->
  • RT @kierongillen: The original definition of the word "Gullible" was to describe those who can be transformed into a seagull. ->
  • Tiny Kirsten Dunst in Trekkkk ->
  • “Beating Hearts Baby” by Head Automatica is my new jam. ♫ Listen: ->
  • Mum's just started watching Kyle XY ->
  • @piratemoggy @tambourine @Pixel_Kaiser *reads back* ugh. That spread is awful. in reply to piratemoggy ->
  • @andykesson That's… essentially what my essay on how my dissertation went said in reply to andykesson ->
  • RT @MeCookieMonster: Me had philosophical moment: what if there no such thing as cookies? What would dat make me? Dis da stuff dat keep me … ->
  • Woooo I get to sleep in my own bed for the first time in a month. ->

half-girl, half-robot