Tweets for 2014-11-30
- @RonniPudding I am wearing my Christmas jumper today. I've been looking at it and stroking it and saying "my precioussss" all month in reply to RonniPudding ->
- @Kavey I don't want people who have been drinking to drive the train I am on 🙁 in reply to Kavey ->
- RT @anyabike: Read these tweets from @CorinneRedfern and you’ll never fly @Ryanair again. (Start reading at bottom left)… ->
- Went to a 2nd birthday party last night so it's #Atlantis time now ->
- No male nudity last week so there HAS to be at least one person taking his shirt off this week #Atlantis ->
- I feel bad for Ariadne. She's got a lot on her plate. #Atlantis ->
- Pythagoras is rubbish at keeping secrets. #Atlantis ->
- Has Jason totally forgotten that he grew up in the 20th/21st Century? #Atlantis ->
- I miss Medusa #Atlantis ->
- Last season of #Atlantis had way more ladies in it than it does now. 🙁 ->
- And the ladies of #Atlantis at the only competant people in tthe city so they're all basically doomed now right? ->
- Is that one lady champion tho? #Atlantis ->
- Areto of Scythia!!! #Atlantis ->
- RT @andrewducker: This is now my favourite pie chart ever. ->
- At least he's up front about the whole thing #Atlantis ->
- 11 minutes in tho and no one has taken their shirt of yet. #Atlantis ->
- ALTHOUGH this guy fighting is essentially only wearing a belt across his chest so we will count him #Atlantis ->
- PLOT TWIST OMG once again the ladies are the only competant people in #Atlantis ->
- What are the odds that Telemon is going to kill Areto? #Atlantis ->
- NO PYTHAGORAS. This is dangerous #Atlantis ->
- WOT IF he is really a prince tho? HMM #Atlantis ->
- You know, no one took their shirt of last week because so many guys are just wearing a fancy belt instead of a shirt this week #Atlantis ->
- RT @DrSarahParish: Watch these 2 idiots on #Atlantis tonight so they can afford to buy an actual seat on this train ->
- It was totally unsmooth Telemon #Atlantis ->
- Which seems fundamentally irresponsible because Ariadne is awesome #Atlantis ->
- NO ARETO #Atlantis ->
- NOOOOO. I knew it. #Atlantis ->
- RT @lilywhite61: Did anyone else say "yes he is!" when Hercules said "he's not an archer" of @CliveStanden? #Atlantis #RobinHood ->
- Jason is going to be totally distracted in his inevitable fight with Telemon later on right? #Atlantis ->
- Auuugh Telemon only wants to be King and that's why he's into marrying Ariadne this is the worst #Atlantis ->
- Telemon is a presumptuous ass #Atlantis ->
- It would have been better if you'd stuck to the "for the good of #Atlantis" stuff Telemon. ->
- I miss Pasiphae this week. And the Oracle. Where are they? Annd Pasiphae's niece #Atlantis ->
- Ariadne is so amazing. I <3 her #Atlantis ->
- Leonidas is doomed #Atlantis ->
- WAIT. Is this fixed? #Atlantis ->
- THIS IS A FIX #Atlantis ->
- I KNEW IT #Atlantis ->
- It's like Telemon doesn't trust Ariadne to be a faithful wife if she shacks up with him #Atlantis ->
- augh. Telemon is the worst #Atlantis ->
- actual worst #Atlantis ->
- Telemon is the worst at listening. Just imagine being married to that. :/ Poor Ariadne :/ #Atlantis ->
- That is a DIRTY TRICK Telemon #Atlantis ->
- @Hedgeypig This is not a bad thing tho in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- I realise obvs that Ariadne loves Jason & therefore he is a rival to Telemon but like why would you… #Atlantis ->
- …kill the much loved hero of the city you want to be King of? It's not… sense making #Atlantis ->
- @Hedgeypig Well it being a giant sausagefest doesn't advance the plot much either :/ in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @Hedgeypig Indeed! Basically Ariadne need an all-female team of advisors and some well placed lady generals and Atlantis would be set in reply to Hedgeypig ->
- @piratemoggy Is it going to be called "Recursion" and involve you going into a revolving door in which there is no way out? in reply to piratemoggy ->
- @piratemoggy I am kind of glad that there are like no gig venues near Victoria that I go to in reply to piratemoggy ->
- RT @metroapologises: Several stations on the coast line are no longer considered canon. – Trains delayed, metro apologises. ->
- @grrlinterrupted I feel like this is a thing that might interest you ->
- Last night I dreamt that I was Mark Ruffalo and I went go-karting. ->
- It's pretty good to be Mark Ruffalo, turns out. ->
- Josh Hartnett has been in a lot of films that are super cheap on DVD ->
- The front of the DVD case makes a big deal out of the fact that the film has Radiohead songs in ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I Come With The Rain in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies WELL it was £4 from Sainsburys in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies I got the Hercules In New York dvd for £1 in Sainsburys tho and that IS quality in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @ErisLovesMovies Schwarzenegger's first role I think in reply to ErisLovesMovies ->
- @MadeFromCorpses I recommend Bunraku for something more recent (also has Ron Perlman, Woody Harrelson, Demi Moore and Gackt) in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses AND and some Scottish actor. Um in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- @MadeFromCorpses Kevin McKidd in reply to MadeFromCorpses ->
- RT @EmApocalyptic: Seeing as we got Black Friday, does that mean America is going to get Boxing Day? Is this a cultural exchange programme … ->
- @smartmatt aw man. Condolences. in reply to smartmatt ->
- I Come With The Rain is super violent but really satisfying. Tho you might need someone to watch it with if you really hate body horror ->
- (Most of it is not body horror, so you can watch it with a friend to tell you when you can look) ->
- Watching Expendables 2 on channel 5 +1 for the like 7 minutes that Jet Li is in the film ->
- The whole Jet Li/Dolph Lundgren partnership in the Expendable films is great ->